Reviews for Boundaries
Angerona chapter 1 . 6/30/2003
i...well...i'm in awe

i can't really say how wonderful this poem is becuse it is just that great it really touched me pulled me in showed me into your head and let me have a look around. Which. is what great poems could do. I have said it once and i shall say it again this is the stuff movies are made of.

~Angerona the Goddess of Death~

P.S It only rains when they cry didn't anyone ever tell you that?
Stitch My Mouth chapter 1 . 6/30/2003
Wonderful poem the emotion is scattered all over the place, it's beautiful, easy to relate with, and more then words can say.
oh-so invisible chapter 1 . 6/30/2003
Amazed, with this note I shall leave, stunned to say anything important..