Reviews for I live
Grey Mitten chapter 1 . 11/27/2003
awsome. really good poem. i especially like " my world knows naught but winter and the dying days of spring" your life is all dark and winter-y, and things lighten up when you die..or something, lol. "emotion is skin-deep and beauty is divine," also a great line. i also like the short stanzas. they don't make you tired by reading them. have you ever tried to read a paragraph-sized chunk of peom? it goes down like cement.

anyway, all in all, the rhythm could use a twitch of improvement, but the substance of the poem is magic. ;D
dfgsfdghftgt44 chapter 1 . 9/12/2003
Ya know? You write very similar to me. I think you do an excellent job! You write amazing poems and you do a very good job! This is a great poem! Very true!

~Cirien Phoenix of the Eternal Phlame
not sure yet chapter 1 . 7/28/2003
love the last line on this one, well written and interesting, nicely done
Balbina chapter 1 . 7/17/2003
I have one word to describe this poem: "Excellent." It has all of the usual properties you tend to see in poems, like rhythm and such, but it also has something much, much more: the ability to effect your emotions and spark up your thoughts. Not many have that. Congrats on finding it, you did a superb job.
Angerona chapter 1 . 6/30/2003
Again really great work. i love it just as much as i love the last one i read. Your work is really great, it flows so nicly. And it's really true. emotion is skin-deep and beauty is divine, and philosophy defies and life is just an opinion and intellect does lie. It really, for lack of a better vocabulary, touched me like i knew exsacly what you were saying where you were coming from, why you felt you needed to say this. It's really really great. It does what all great poems should do.

~Angerona the Godess Of Death~

P.S Althought it is imposrtant to look back on your life if you look back to long you will walk into wall, which let me tell you is never fun.