Reviews for SelfAnnihilation
Mark chapter 1 . 7/17/2003
This is another detailed poem that is like a short story kinda. I like it becuz its keep u on the edge of your seat and make you want to read more. I love this type of work you do. iM sure your storyw will be good. But anyways yeah i like the happy ending its nice to see some cheer in a poem from ya Emm.
Emily Sedlock chapter 1 . 7/10/2003
I need to clarify a few things.

A) I'm not really the best person at taking criticism, although I dont mind flames at all. I'm easily offended, however, I feel that the only way to improve is to experience critiisms.

B) My spelling, in any of my poems, is not perfect. Sometimes I am in a hurry. TAKE THAT INTO CONSIDERATION PLEASE.

C) Also, I have my poems written the way I want them to be written. I'm not stupid. I spend a lot of time writing and I think I would know what I want. If something doesnt sound right to you, then I dont care. THINK ABOUT THIS: whats the topic of this poem? Could Emily have made this line/stanza/order of wrods specifically like this to make me feel uncomfortable? Perhaps to prove a certain point? To create a certain feelings?

I have my poems the way I want them. To tell me there is something you dont like and perhaps I should change it... well dont do that. I WANT THEM HOW I HAVE THEM, IF I DIDNT, THEY WOULDNT BE HERE.
Eowyn1 chapter 1 . 7/10/2003
A very thick style. Try loosening up on that rhyming. It does not have to rhyme to sound good, sometimes rhymes even hurt a poem if you try to force them.

I saw a few typos, like forgotten ' in "shed" unless that's on purpose and in the last paragraph "rst" instead of "rest". Did you really mean it's the best choice she'd ever make or shouldn't it have been "made"? Both work well of course :)
Kikaria chapter 1 . 7/6/2003
that poem was amazing. it was beautifuly sad and stunning. one of the most impresive pieces of poetry i have ever read.

Mark chapter 1 . 7/1/2003
Emily im on the phone and ive told you how i feel about this poem. But this is very great work. This is a true example of a professdion talent and skill that i have never seen matched by anyone ever close to your age. Keep it up boo U will be famous some day .