Reviews for Fading
alsdjf chapter 1 . 8/4/2003
Sao: I'd make this longer if I could, but there's lightning in the area, and the power went out last week, and I don't want that to happen while I'm on the computer, it might ruin it.

HOS: And we're working on a very important project, so this piece of junk can't mess up on us! *hears crack of thunder* Dammit, stay away! We don't need you in our area! *shakes fist up as lightning flashes and there's a large rumble* EEp!

Sao: Great poem, I'll have to reread it, see if I can get for sure what you meant by writing it. I have an idea of what it might mean, but knowing me, it'll probably be completely off, although poetry can be interpreted in different ways. Darn, this is longer than I meant it to be. Oh well, bye!

~Sao & HOS
lostprophet chapter 1 . 7/7/2003
i didn't catch it, 'cause i'm stupid and shallow...*sniff* if you want me to know, then tell me, otherwise i'll probably forgetwhat i'm figuring out and go crazy because i don't remember...