Reviews for Unlikely
Brightheart chapter 40 . 12/25/2011
nice story. liked it.
beavermeadowsbev chapter 40 . 5/23/2011
this is such a great story! I love it! Great job!
Dustland chapter 7 . 4/11/2011
I usually never give a bad review, even if I never read the rest of a story, i give something I liked to the writer.

That being said, I see potential, and I like the character and everything, it's just hard to continue reading when there is practically no character development.

How in the world is he starting to fall in love?

I mean I could see the whole "love at first sight" thing, but you didn't play that..?
aby pwn u chapter 17 . 6/24/2010
Tmbookworm chapter 4 . 3/29/2010
good job
Tmbookworm chapter 1 . 3/28/2010
this is pretty good
LupusAries chapter 40 . 4/5/2009
A beautiful Epilogue with the song and the chapter intereweaving. A good finish to a great story. I really enjoyed reading this story. Bravo Zulu! Well done!
LupusAries chapter 39 . 4/5/2009
Phew! Im really happy that you went for a happy ending and not a bad ending or one where they meet a few years later...even if i prefer such to a bad ending. I really liked the scene where and invisible force stops James from walking away. Their Conversation is good...not to many words, its fitting. I also liked the last scene were they admit they love each other... Also its not movie perfect with Kaleigh wailing it but its more heartwarming that way. The Closing Sentence was very strong and a fitting end to the story.
LupusAries chapter 38 . 4/5/2009
Well im happy that Aiden and Angel are trying to rebuild their relationship. I really hope that Kaleigh gets her head together now that she realized how similar her and Angels fates are. its hard to write a review now, because its so exciting now. This Chapter transports her feelings very well.
LupusAries chapter 37 . 4/5/2009
Kaleigh your being dumb! I so do not like the ending of the Chapter...another Crash after it got my hopes up again.

I liked their Conversation when they finally had it, it was well written and the feelings within it were tangible. The moonlight sub-scene was a nice trick and good writing. I definately liked when James was thinking about her, it was well written and good. It definately wasnt stereotypical. The first part of the Chapter was good it showed how he was still hurt because of it. Good chapter with a strong ending (that i didnt like, but not because of the writing).
LupusAries chapter 36 . 4/5/2009
It was so clear that they were up to something since both of their friends wanted them to go to aspen! Tomato sandwiches? Urgh not for me i dont like tomatos...except as sauce and ketchup! Also that with the Check in was a major clue too. Angel is a really good liar...the scene where she tells Kaleigh about the various things they set up was good and funny...even if didnt believed her one bit. Also strange was the clue with the Gillians giddiness and the text message. You gave us clues but never revealed the full story, well done!

Who is Harriet the Spy?

The ending of the Chapter was good, a good finishing sentence.
LupusAries chapter 35 . 4/5/2009
Well he is not taking it well it seems! Well i think nobody would in his place. I liked the Conversation with Jack, he really seems like a father to james. I liked the first part of the Chapter. Kaleigh thought aloud? that is funny even if the story at this part is not so. Hmm they are up to something...James boss and surrogate father gave him tickets for Aspen and now Mark got them Tickets for Aspen too? Now that DOES smell fishy!
LupusAries chapter 34 . 4/5/2009
Damn this Chapter is depressing! Why just cant she listen? Who is that women that just came back when she thinks its convenient to try and get him back? I really dislike her, first running away and then thinking she can come back when she likes? So thats what happened. Whatever she thinks, people CAN change if something is there that warrants that change and it is worth it. The last sentence before the Viewpoint-change is great. The first part of the chapter was well written, it had certainly a depressed mood to it.
LupusAries chapter 33 . 4/5/2009
Ok what did happen just now? what made her loose all that optimistic. Ouch that gotta hurt when she is speaking in the past tense, like she doesnt care would hurt everyone i think. That Fight scene was very good, you made it believeable and understandable that they reacted the way they did. The scene with Angel and Gillian trying to help her was good also. They care and try to help. Well it the fight was like a crash after the happy and hopeful mood James idea with the pizza put me in.
LupusAries chapter 32 . 4/5/2009
Well talk about something bad...Angel and aiden breaking diddnt hear much from them but one took it kind of granted that they were back to being ok. Poor Angel. It was sad, though well written. I liked the conversation before, it was lighthearted and funny. And yes Kaleigh getting pissed was funny, too. The "So whos winning tonight" was funny, because you could just imagine marks death glare.
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