Reviews for The Samurai and the Princess
KaronePrincess chapter 13 . 10/12/2005
Aww...I LOVE this story (The Samurai and the Princess).It's CUTE, ACTION, and BRAVERY of him and her, Ben is really a hero. I LOVE it when he risking his life to RESCUE her. Aw...I love that. I love her, the princess. She is so nice and innocent. I love her character: tender, nice, innocient, independent, and quite brave. Yep, only Ben can deserve her. I think Prince Ben has a feeling for her. I hope they end up together.


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Shuyan chapter 13 . 3/4/2005
Great job with this! This i must say is one of the best stories ive ever read! Continue please! If you have a chance can you check out my story Shade of darkness: The battle
Lady of romance world88 chapter 13 . 10/23/2003
Hey!Keep update soon. I love that your title is so cool and your story is great. I hope you can read my story.
SilentWriter89 chapter 13 . 9/3/2003
Wow, that was great, wow. Lol good job! Update again! Wow. I wanna read more. wow... lol Ok well good job keep up the good work yep yep.
SilentWriter89 chapter 12 . 8/31/2003
e very good that was great keep updating!
jack of all trades chapter 11 . 7/18/2003
update update update update!
SilentWriter89 chapter 8 . 7/9/2003
HOW COuld you let them take gabrielle that's mean. ! I wanna read more what's benjamins plan... hehe sorry it's really good nicole! Great job keep going!
SilentWriter89 chapter 6 . 7/9/2003
o that was a good chapter! I wanna know what happens next you gotta tell me! good job )
SilentWriter89 chapter 5 . 7/8/2003
Nicole keep up the good work! This is really fantastic! You should send your updates and stuff in e-mails to all of your friends, and give links to people on IM too. lol Get this around girl!

SilentWriter89 chapter 4 . 7/8/2003
! that is so good! I can't believe how good it is I love how they just find each other and it's a coincidence they are betrothed to each other as well. I think it's rude how people make fun of them though, but oh well it's in the past now they both are royalty YAY! that was so good I can't wait for what happens next.!

Savol411 chapter 3 . 7/8/2003
hey there! i love your story a ton! it took my breath away when I read about the plot! very original. And your way and flow with words is soo excellent! great job! i cant wait to see what the story the mom will tell Tenchi and Gabrielle! I added you to my favorites list so ill keep up! My names Matt and would like to know more about you. Ill tyyl and again good job!


Review my story if you want to

Mosayio:Kabuki Warrior
Roasted Kiwi chapter 3 . 7/8/2003
Not bad. _ (A little hard to read with so little punctuation, though.) I like the setting.
Jitterrue chapter 3 . 7/8/2003
this is cute. A fun little read. Do continue.
SilentWriter89 chapter 1 . 7/8/2003
Oh weird! but it's interesting! Great job! I wanna read more yippe. - Geena.. lol.
Kristian730 chapter 1 . 7/8/2003
Hi Nicole! Great start for a story! Keep writing! I can't wait to hear what the Samurai thinks about the story...