Reviews for Hold Me Tight
Joygirl811 chapter 21 . 7/30/2012
I want the full version of chapter 21 please!
CrimsonsNight chapter 2 . 7/27/2012
hmmmm i how you don't make this story a love triangle. i really like the possibilities this story has.
CrimsonsNight chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
i appreciate how blunt you are. lol i love the plot i hope you don't have them cusing left and can take away from the story. i also think that the dialogue between the prince and the slave was a little to indulged on the princes part.
sneaky-fox chapter 9 . 7/1/2012
I'm so disapointed! so far the story has been ok, the plot is great and the characters have potential for developing during the story. What has me somewhat angry is the way you throw a rape into this chapter and continues on as if it is nothing. 2 sec after it happens the girl is begging to go see the princes training saying that she is perfectly fine.
Once again I did like the story up until this scene so it has nothing to do with your writting but everything to do with what I see as a completely inappropriate "reaction" to rape.
Love in All Forms chapter 27 . 2/10/2012
Great story I loved it!
alexisrenee chapter 27 . 2/9/2012
D'awwwww! That's a cute story! I think that Toby's personality change was done a bit quickly though. (Sorry, I try to criticize SOMETHING in every story I review) I think that I'd like to hear about when Toby and Cali discover that she's pregnant. I would really like it if there was more of the story, but that really may just be more me wanting more of Toby. 3

I really like it!

Really really truly!
Alicia Henmer chapter 27 . 7/3/2011
This is a really cool story! Sentence flow is meh, it seems a bit choppy sometimes. I like the characters, maybe develop them a little more? You have a really good plot and setting and characters but it just needs to be added to and developed so we can more easily picture them when we read the story.

It'll definitely add interest to the story... Umm, other than that I really don't have anything else to say except that it was a really great read and I am definitely going to read the sequel and the prequel. Keep writing! :D
mewlexi chapter 27 . 10/8/2010
Puppycock chapter 21 . 5/31/2010
i love your story so far, but there some issues like sentence flow. i also wonder how you pronounce Calixte's name? Your story is awesome and in the future after reading this will read your other stories. Could you send me the unedited version of this chapter? My email is . your a great writer believe it or not
Your Execution chapter 27 . 9/10/2009
This was a really good story and i liked it :D
Lady Thetford chapter 21 . 8/26/2009
love the story, I read all the way through it in more or less one go (visiting family means a lot of spare time). Anyway gimme the unedited chapter 21 please! x
RunFree chapter 27 . 5/25/2009
this was really good
kris89 chapter 2 . 11/3/2008
great job. i just wanted to show you what im picturing tristan looks like. heres the link, you just have to paste the link:

Endowment's Seraph chapter 27 . 10/31/2008
this was enjoyable. I liked it, although I think there is a lot of room for vast imporvement. it has a lot of potential and works well as a short story but if you really wanted to I think you could really make this something. I think you need to take more time in character development, and feel free to decribe the tournament, and sex, and all those things you cut out. Don't. I think you cut out too much. I feel there are large gaps in the story, which is fine for a short story but if you wanted novel status I suggest going back and filling them in. Don't limit yourself.

Princess of Lies chapter 5 . 2/23/2008
Wow, random ramblings are welcome? That's what almost all my reviews are. They start off with something to do with the story, but then go off in a different direction all together. And I'd love that tiara. Even though my birthstone is sapphire, I love amethyst. And I'm not really a super huge fan of gold, I like silver better. And for story writing not being your thing, then you must be a genius at whatever it is that you're "thing" is! D
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