Reviews for The Demons Inside
artificial destiny chapter 27 . 5/2/2009

cute ending :)
artificial destiny chapter 16 . 5/2/2009
small typo ""My dream... the man, who was her?""

but otherwise its awsum :)
artificial destiny chapter 3 . 5/2/2009
haha nice :D
M.Bianca chapter 1 . 3/7/2009
random thing: stephen king was just a perverted drunkard!
belisha chapter 27 . 11/8/2008
i prefer this ending- with everyone getting a happy ending *wipes away tears from previous chapter*
Lost Soul77 chapter 27 . 1/12/2008
I stayed up till 1:30 reading this... and you made me cry. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you for bringing him back. I love you so much. You should make a sequal... though I might never read it your to good at writing if you actually made me cry... Thank You again.
Scribblesandink chapter 27 . 5/4/2007
Wonderful story. The plotline is different, and the characters have personalities. I like how they're based a little bit off of you and your friends. The only thing is the ending. Haven't quite made up my mind about that; i'm very happy that Dante returned, but still not sure if I'd rather have him not come back. Anyway, awesome story :)
decadebydecade chapter 27 . 10/30/2006
Apparently I'm a sucker for sappy romantic stories that end happy.

Oh well.

That being said...I LOVE THIS STORY!

Seriously the only thing I didn't like was Gia's name [but that's probably because EVERYBODY mispronounces my middle name and it always comes out as "Gia"...]

Anyways! I loved her personality (the whole sarcasm thing) and realy like the demon stuff in your story.
Sylvana chapter 1 . 10/1/2006
omgsh. i love your work i really do. and i love the writting style. this is a really good story. im writting one of my own but its not this good. also like your drawings you do. very well done. ok well im done lata
toxic-noodle725 chapter 27 . 7/27/2006
i absolutely loved this story! amazing job! u should post up an epilogue.
taurus261990 chapter 27 . 1/9/2006
this was an aawwssommee story, man. i loved it. 3;)
depressed-and-bored chapter 26 . 6/10/2005
The devil cannot die, Lucifer is the devil and he cannot die. Maybe he just retreated or something, but I know for sure, that the devil cannot die. But through all THIS WAS AN AWESOME STORY! You are an awesome writer. Great work!
Flower-in-the-Night chapter 17 . 6/5/2005
ok. i didnt see that 1 woulda known he wud actualli kiss her?The guy in the dream must ave bin rely crepy. I cant be bothered to make any connections at the moment so i think ill just carry on readin. Gud fic by the way!
Flower-in-the-Night chapter 8 . 6/5/2005
oh! thats interestin. seein his own best friend and friend motha get murdered, poor kid.
Flower-in-the-Night chapter 4 . 6/5/2005
Gud fic so far. The demon guy is so cool! he kiks ass.I feel sorri 4 the girl tho, bein controlled in the night by a lil demon then attacked or rescued wateva by a notha 1. Then asked by the demon who 'rescued' her tosave his soul. rely interestin.
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