Reviews for Muse
NaesalaTheRavenKing chapter 1 . 3/21/2016
This story has completely sucked me in. I've fallen in love with the characters, and every time I re-read it, I fall in love with the story and its potential even more. I do hope you continue this wonderful story. It's kept me on the edge of my seat for years, and I would like nothing more to read about what happens to these characters.
Premonition'sJourney chapter 13 . 12/13/2012
Oh my gosh. ...Its been like 6 years, but... I think it would make the whole year 2013 for me if you finished this. It is so freaking good and then... I wanna know what happened to Asahel! D:
mythical chapter 13 . 6/18/2007
Please, oh please take this off hiatus! And now to make this a review instead of a begging - I love the relationship between Asahel and Nadir. I wish they'd just get back together! I like how you make us think that Asahel came to help Nadir, when it was really Vivien. That disappointed me, but I've always been a closet romantic. My only criticism is that it is taking a long time for Rietje to take Asahel. No doubt you have your own idea of how this will all work out, however.
Harmony Glory chapter 13 . 8/25/2006
I'm very intrigued by this story. I hope you continue with it soon.
Sasha L. Miller chapter 13 . 6/26/2006
... This story intrigues me so. I'm still curious as to what you'll do with Asahel and his attempted recruitment. Nadir... I'm curious as to how much he knows, and how much he will know soon. And honestly, that's quite a cliffhanger to leave it off on. I really itch to see that next scene, with Nadir and Asahel. (And Adair too.)

I really meant to re-read everything and then review, but I haven't had the chance, and likely won't anytime soon. But I wanted to leave a review, since you took the time to update after the long interim. So, absolutely lovely chapter, and I'm waiting patiently for the next (absolutely lovely) chapter.
Maggie chapter 12 . 1/3/2006
*whines* So when are you going to update? Huh? Man, I found this story last night, and I finished it the next day, that's how good it is.

So, I'm very anxious for the next chapter. And I love Nadir to death. He's an awesome character. But you need to hurry up and get Asahel and Nadir back together. It's killing me. _

But it's a good thing.

Love your story!

Sporkess chapter 12 . 11/5/2005
Heya - I'm really loving the story!

The characters are all great - I feel particularly worried about Vivien, I get the feeling that he'll work himself to death. And that worries me, because he's a sweet little kid...

I would like to say that Asahel made an endearingly stupid decision in leaving Nadir like he did. Nadir loved him, he would have understood the empathy thing, I'm as sure as any fanatic reader can be! And yet Asahel left without offering him a choice... (Cue sentimental sniffles). Of course, I can see why he did what he did...

Please excuse the babbling, just trying to express in some way my love for your very vivid characters, and your intriguing plotline. Update soon, please!
pneumothorax chapter 12 . 7/6/2005
[I am amused by the motion city soundtrack. Are you just picking random songs? Had best not be reel big fish anytime soon :p]

I think the idea of feeling the love before Nadir knows it is clever. It's logical, but could easily have been overlooked. It's the details like this that make it superb.

'The first time after Nadir had fallen in love. When Asahel had known it at the first pressure of hand on shoulder, and Nadir hadn't still.

It was as if Nadir’s love was a tangible object he could see, touch, taste. Of course it had been present before, mixing in with his consciousness with all the others, close, but he'd never known who it belonged to...'

[Again, sorry to quote but..]

Nadir still amuses me. You've made his character so dfferent from As's; a thing which many writers (probably me included) seem to have problems doing. However.. I was going to say this must be opposites attracting, although it's plausible that Nadir isn't always like this & it's ust because of As he's become so bitter.(although that theory is highly suspect because he's tlaking to Vivien & not As at the time). Bitter may not be the word. Angry. It reminds me of the angry humour of Clyde in the fic: 'WMSmoker seeks seclusion'. [not a fic endorsement, just a note that WMS is under 'humour' and the character is amusing; thus as a parallel, Nadir is amusing. Nothing else]. End of accidental fic endorsements.

'"Vivien? What the fuck are you doing, I can hear you breathing down the phone, for god's sake..." Nadir spat impatiently.'

pneumothorax chapter 11 . 7/6/2005
'The irate private eye (technically he was working for the state, but never mind) dumped a folder and his laptop on the table.' This line works so well. It's so.. realised.

The following (sorry. mass quoting:) works very well. The random blurting is very true to life, and Artemis's response is brilliant - the irritation superb :) The mention of intimidation, however, might not be quite, although it's perfectly plausible.

'“Why are you wearing your glasses?” Adair blurted suddenly.

“You... what?” Artemis snapped, hand flying up to the bridge of his nose and feeling the slim frames that rested there. “They just make me look more intimidati... Never mind about that! And don’t interrupt me while I’m trying to tell you something important.”'

I love that. Like a repreimanded kid. Wonderful chapter, truly.
pneumothorax chapter 10 . 7/6/2005
'“We can go to nordbahnstrasse.' This made me wonder about the setting. It doesn't seem unusual that it'd be set elsewhere - up until now, I'd assumed that the language (chapter titles, etc) were a .. quirk? But I love ustria as the setting. Although you haven't actually labelled it yet, it all seems to fit. Similarly, the descriptions a few chapters back of Asahel's empathy abilities; when he sensed those around him it fitted naturally into the story.

'"...fucking going to ruin his life, he deserves it... lifeless fucking bastard... Hurry the hell up... too... shlrrg... slow...“' What can I say? Nadir deserves an Oscar & a hug. And maybe some non-leather trousers removal of obscenely huge boots.
pneumothorax chapter 9 . 7/6/2005
Professional ending. Sinister. I like the bond, although the tight-rope might have beebn overdone. The idea that As's passing him ability onto Nadir: I love it.
Sasha L. Miller chapter 12 . 7/4/2005
::dies of happy shock::

heh, sorry, but it's absolutely wonderful that you updated, i ADORE this story. wonderful chapter, but horrible cliffhanger at the end. i can barely wait to see what happens when nadir reaches asahel's apartment... so i hope you manage to update again soon!
pneumothorax chapter 8 . 7/3/2005
When Aasahel gets the pain (excuse mass-quoting):

'He swallowed, long and shallow, his anxiety manifesting only in his shaking hands and sweaty palms, trying desperately to control this sparkling that was wrapping itself around his heart and paralyzing him...

I’ve never... not like this...

This type of fear was very new.'

it seems that it could be empathy kicking in & he's possibly getting some of Nadir's fear or emtoion as well; a combination. If so, nice idea.

'and a pair of black, enormous boots encrusted with damp and dirt appeared in front of him.' The boots sound awful. The legs and further description is good but the boots worry me. An image of space-like boots.

When the kiss scene moves from Nadir's POV to Asahel's, '"Let go"' appears in both parts, although '“You want this.”' doesn't. It's as if Nadir doesn't notice he's said it.

The point where Asahel seems to have trouble breathing is great.

'“Let go.”

Nadir tilted his head a fraction sideways, eyes narrowing as if he was seriously considering the demand.

“... You’re on my doorstep - ” he said in a deep, low stage whisper.'The stage whisper here seems almost comical, rather than the sarcastic & foul Nadir we all love :p
pneumothorax chapter 7 . 7/3/2005
Slightly confused. Chap 6 sees Nadir outside a club with Asahel finding him. Chap 7 sees Asahel out walking. Aha. This can only lead me to believe that said blond apparition of end of chap 6 is not Asahel. Vivien?

Anywa, Chap 7 is good. The idea being lead into an apartment building to a door and not noticing is.. slightly unbelievable although it demonstrates that he really must have been caught up in his thoughts, I suppose.

'And then he remembered.I hurt him. Heaven knows how much…'

This line is beautiful.

The idea of going drowsy through familiarity ( peace of night) is great.
pneumothorax chapter 6 . 7/3/2005
First thing I thought at the end of this chapter was that it wasn't clear where they were. I'd thought throughout that the scene was outside the 'sleazy bar' although why Asahel's there is a questionable thing. Is this the scene they're outside As's apartment?

Anyway. Aside from this, it's very good. Nadir's is a great character although his clothing: 'Betrayal, your leather-encased ass! his mind screamed at him.' isn't quite what I saw. But then, how can said clothing be bad heh. The writing throughout I love. The sarcasm and style to it is great. There's a definate clear difference between the two characters which is great because often writers seem to write the characters very closely.

He stared at his curved palms. They had red stains over them. How unexpected.' The 'how unexpected' is great here. It's somehow so .. not innocent. Just.. the thought is great. The frame of mind and way you've written it, fabulous.

Asahel swears. Brilliant. I love him already & the idea of the photographic memory when drunk, wonderful. 'Speaking of glass, where the fuck had his vodka bottle gotten to? He’d brought it out with him hadn’t he?' and 'Well, fuck. Looked like he had a prodigal mind, too. It had probably joined his body in rebellion against him.' Me & these lines hit it off straight away :) Absoloute stunners.

These lines seemes curious:'Asahel shifted until his breath was falling onto Nadir’s ear, and whispered,

“I never said beauty meant perfection...”'

It's either quite insulting, or the idea that perfection itself is not beautiful. The way you've written Asahel here is quite unhurried & relaxed and intelligent. The slowlness of the movement gave the unhurried impression. The confidence.

Great chapter. We love Nadir :p
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