Reviews for A Cold Winter's Morn
alsdjf chapter 1 . 9/7/2003
Sao: If this poem is written from personal experience, or from a friend's personal experience, I guess I can see why you would hate it, although you love it.

HOS: It is a good poem. Kinda makes you think about what can happen.

Sao: Love it, as usual. I don't think you have a single poem that I dislike. Publish a poem book or something. I'd buy it.

~Sao & HOS
cutelittledeadgirl chapter 1 . 7/31/2003
I loved this Ashley...I thought it was really emotional and inspiring...I could relate to this
Misguided-Angel chapter 1 . 7/25/2003
this is really is now oon my fav. list... cause it is exactly what i look for...and it made me want to cry, a little...