Reviews for Wounded By My Trust
alsdjf chapter 1 . 9/7/2003
Sao: I'm careful about who I trust my deepest, most closely held secrets for the reason that I'm scared of getting stabbed in the back.

HOS: There are some things her best friends don't even know.

Sao: Whether you and this person are still friends, I hope they got they're just dessert for stabbing you in the back.

~Sao & HOS
recalcitrant chapter 1 . 7/25/2003
i felt that u had a really well written poem here so i m reviewing to tell u that. this captures a lot of feelings i had wit a freind. please rr my stuff if u want. i suggest "hurt", "time" and "this one is called f* you." keep up the good writing.
Misguided-Angel chapter 1 . 7/25/2003
i hopes you don't get too bitter and callous and jaded...
Broken Poet chapter 1 . 7/25/2003
The first three are uberly tre shibby poems. This one is nice and angryful. I aprove! _~