Reviews for Thats What Friends Arent For
me my self and I chapter 1 . 10/6/2003
This is a great poem. I feal the same way about my sister. It's like she's all mean to me now. She'll be realy sorry when i'm gone.
SweetWithUncertainty chapter 1 . 7/29/2003
Really nice poem. Keep on writing. I really like your poetry. It doesn't sound forced.

Namir Swiftpaw chapter 1 . 7/28/2003
Bah, that no apostrophe thing is bothering me...*twitch* Must...resist...urge to destory! :P

You remind me a lot of my friend Erin. Her brother is a dink to her, too, and then he will try to be nice to her out of nowhere, too.

Nice poem. Keep writing.

~Namir Swiftpaw