Reviews for Fate, Entwined and Twisted
emptyword chapter 2 . 3/17/2007
Wow. Times two, because both of these one-shots stole my heart. The subtlety in the first one was first rate, and the mesh of heaviness and tenderness in this one was heartbreaking. There is no question whether I am favoriting or not.
SatisfyAnEmptyInside chapter 2 . 4/3/2005
God, that is gorgeous.
rainbowskye chapter 2 . 12/9/2004
Loved this one as well. I love all your writing (well what I've read so far)
rainbowskye chapter 1 . 12/9/2004
It's both beautifully sad, yet wonderfully sweet. I love it.
Shoujo Kitsune chapter 2 . 8/30/2004
I think I almost like your short pieces better then your long ones. They wrap up so nicely, and are quite sentimental. Thanx
ola chapter 2 . 3/7/2004
cute )
ola chapter 1 . 3/7/2004
ooi! that was absolutely marvelous. loved it. loved the message too.
poor guys though (
Aire1 chapter 2 . 12/16/2003
I like this. The first one is funny, and the second one is kind of dark. Again, a good combination.
A.H chapter 2 . 8/28/2003
I could've sworn I reviewed this. Hmm... Maybe I did it in your journal.

Oh, I remember! It was the one I missed and then I had to beg for forgiveness. _ So you know I liked it.
Ever Be chapter 2 . 8/22/2003
that was interesting, now i'm wondering what you have planned for the next little scene of yours.
Ashlee Blue chapter 1 . 8/15/2003
I love it. I love that it hints but never comes out and says it. That makes the whole thing so much more... real. Please write more soon.
Tass chapter 2 . 8/14/2003
Aw, that was so sweet! Am I morbid for thinking so? Anyway, I really liked this story, as with all the rest.
newtypeshadow chapter 2 . 8/13/2003

once again, i'm enchanted.

ooh, loving this series! i hope you write more of them.
r.mai chapter 1 . 8/13/2003
angsty... -_-; angsty and sweet in that sad sorta way. -_-; still nice but sad.
NotEnough chapter 2 . 8/12/2003
I like it. Indeed i like it alot. I was a bit confused at the end as i was being slow and didn't pick up on what the other present was, but it's okay i figured it out eventually and am in awe of the story now.

Yeah, ramble over, my point was that i liked the story. A lot.
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