Reviews for Down Under
nonactive chapter 1 . 4/17/2014
Very adorable.
taza chapter 1 . 4/28/2007


justaguy chapter 1 . 11/2/2006
Awesome story. M, reminded me of a number of things. I read Piano, too. Cool! Great job. I loved it. It made me wet. That is cool. Take care and submit more stories.
seraphim-rush chapter 1 . 10/21/2006
~wipes drool off face~ That was...amazing. I like that you share your personal experiences in writing. :) Bryson sounds like a sweet guy...did you ever see him after this encounter? Haha, Mari reminds me of myself...Haha, two boys making out is so very sexy. x)

brisingr draumar chapter 1 . 3/18/2005
that was hot. very very hot. wow. i think its cool that you feel free enough with yourself to share your personal experiances. i think im kinda like mari! lol, i think its sexy when two guys kiss, and im a striaght girl!
Kunoichi chapter 1 . 12/2/2004
Naughty boy.I like the way you write. The way you write gives me the urge to want is exacly like my friend Alyssa.
PunkLycan chapter 1 . 7/28/2004
wow. that was so exhilerating. I can't wait to hear about the piano.. lol. well i like ur style. its very hooking. although... i get hooked easily.. lol
you are more than welcome to check out my story... unfortunately it's not based on reality and its not sexually contented.. that is going to change in the chapter im writing now tho... hehe.
Stefen chapter 1 . 7/25/2004
Very cool. Me likes
your guilty pleasure chapter 1 . 5/2/2004
*giggles* I'm amused- that seemed actually believable! yay u! I really liked bryson- he was adorable- and yeha- ur an amazing writer
felicitous4u chapter 1 . 4/7/2004
That was the absolute cutest! That was your first time? It went utterly perfect compared to mine. Bloody well sweet, this Bryson guy sounded so cute I could've wrapped him in pita bread and eaten him right there.
Brilliant capture of the truth and the all to real fluffiness.
I'm such a girl! ::winks::
Shinji Boi69 chapter 1 . 4/7/2004
It's really good. It's definately a slash but not too slashy. ( did that make any sense?) Oh well. I liked it alot. It seems like a dream I had not to long ago.
The whole thing about the licking and the closeing his eyes and the sexyness...
*shudder* It totaly turned me on.
You're good.
I've read alot of slash but most don't seem too realistic. This takes the cake. It's one of your best. Do continue.
soupjoker chapter 1 . 11/22/2003
tres sexy. I loved it. I'm a bit like Marie or whoever... I'm quite into the homosexual thing.

Loved it.

LghtAngel chapter 1 . 10/22/2003
wow.. nice story..
Bi Boy of 14 chapter 1 . 10/4/2003
Um how can I put this without causing offence...

I mean not that I am trying to put you down or anything but... such *moments* should be your private buisness. I know it sounds hypocrytical considering this is coming from the guy who just posted a blow-by-blow account (no pun intended) of his first kiss with another guy. but really... posting blow-by-blow accounts of your "sexcapades"? it's well written and all, just. don't you feel embarrassed revealing such private stuff. and although some people would be... *coughs* by your stories that really isn't the sort of stuff I... expect people to be able to go into detail with.

No offence meant

and it's well written stuff but hey, you're seventeen, who am I to judge
JadedCross chapter 1 . 9/22/2003
Wow. That's all I have to say. LOL. I'll admit, seeing two guys go at it is HOT! *waves banner* I like slashyness! LOL, although I'm more into writing those pathetic Romance stories where guy meets girl...girl and guy fall in love blah blah blah. Wonderful writing skills and I can't wait to read more!
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