Reviews for Drought
Shadafakup chapter 1 . 8/24/2003
Can't say I fully understood this, but all the same, there was a strange attraction to the piece..

It defnitely sounds like there's more than what the surface shows, but right now, I can't seem to fully grasp it..

Anyway, nice choice of words.. It provides the reader with certain interestin images, and it is rather thought-provoking..

Interestin piece, you do have a way with manipulating your words..

Scary images, but good all the same..

Perhaps you could drop me an email or a review, and explain this poem to me..

Meanwhile, you have to live with this horridly unsatisfactory review..

Nice job all the same..

Keep it up..

Modussa chapter 1 . 8/13/2003
YAY! more poetry! This is good! I like...erm...((adjective adjective adjective)) I can't think of what I am...thinking, but as long as you know you did a good job...! hehe See ya!
Darth Kat chapter 1 . 8/13/2003
Wow. Special. _ More poetry. We like it! -proke- Side note: Since I can't e-mail you, feel free to use the special sport-thingee. Kit hates her semblances of creativity going to waste.