Reviews for Savannah
DiamondEyedDog chapter 20 . 9/19/2010
This story is amazing! So disappointed you didn't finish. Ah well, I'm just going to imagine a happy ending. I don't know anything about rugby, but it was a great read anyway. Hope you're still off writing somewhere!
53BookTitles chapter 20 . 6/14/2009
Oh, sucks to be you Rabbit.

Please continue!

I need a happy ending!

millie xx
53BookTitles chapter 11 . 6/14/2009

They aren't called wife beaters in Aus, eh?

millie xx
iman1234 chapter 20 . 1/28/2009
artistic dreamer chapter 20 . 7/6/2007
is the story over? please don't let it be! when are you gonna update? i don't want to sound all annoying and nagging, but i like the plot of your story, it's so different, please update soon if the story hasn't ended yet!
xXReader.Desu.YoXx chapter 20 . 6/9/2007
incredibly AWESOME story. I love it XD

But gosh...part 20 left me with a so called story heartache.


cant wait for the new update XD

behind these tears chapter 20 . 3/6/2007

Update soon please! I can't believe she left him when they fought. ;( Hope everything works out!

Take care!
secret angel on the swing chapter 20 . 2/14/2007
i read this a long time ago.. and now i'm reading it again.

great story. i like this the best out of all your stories. but i'm confused.. is the story over? or you just dont know what to write or writer's block or something..?

because this story's great! i mean it seems like an ending, a sad one, but an ending.. and you havent updated in almost 2 yrs, but your other stories have been updated, so is it over..? i hope not...
takingrisks chapter 20 . 2/10/2007
I read this story awhile ago, and loved it. I came back to beg of you to update soon! It's such a cliffhanger.
skippydabeaver chapter 1 . 1/20/2007
It's a nice story. The breaks seem a little nonsensical, but I like the idea, and your writing style is an interesting one.

Just a note-Rugby and football aren't the same thing. Not even american football and rugby. Similar, yes, but not the same.

Keep it up!
Semicharmed love chapter 1 . 9/16/2006
wow...great story. I just found it today and i really like it. when i got to the last chapter i was because i wanted to see how it ended...but you're not at the end yet...

its been a while since you probably already know that though :-/

will you update soon? :]]
Writing4Eternity chapter 20 . 8/26/2006
WOW, major cliff hanger
frizzy chapter 20 . 8/2/2006
I love Savanah! She is an amazing character - her complex personality and strength of will make her completely believeable! Their relationship is troubled, but thats what makes it perfect in a way - it's a real relationship you can connect with. Update soon -fantastic!
deedee chapter 1 . 3/1/2006
you havent updated in 1 and a half yrs! i just read the story in one go and its awesome..update soon please )
aurora borealis chapter 20 . 12/22/2005
Oh my god. Please tell me you'll update this. You can't leave it hanging like this!This story is amazing. The characters are great - none of them are unnaturally perfect - and your writing brilliant. I love the rugby stuff. (Man, I miss that. I lived in Wales for a year, only came home this summer, and in Norway we don't have rugby at all... :( )Now why did Savannah just suddenly turn into bitcho no. 1? I don't get it... And please write more, because I can't bear the thought of Rabbit all alone without her. They *need* each . Love this story. Please continue it?
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