Reviews for The Way We Were, Lost Forever
alsdjf chapter 1 . 9/13/2003
Sao: I think it was you-

HOS: Or it could have been someone else-

Sao: That had another poem like this one. I'll assume it was you, and I agree with everything I said then.

~Sao & HOS
bookworm701 chapter 1 . 8/19/2003
Great poem, Ashley. It's sad, though. (Well, I guess you probably meant it that way...I don't see how losing a friend could be a happy thing...) It was really good. Read some more of my stuff (please?) and keep writing.


(a.k.a. bookworm701)
Cry Tears of Darkness chapter 1 . 8/17/2003
wonderful poem! i can think of a few ppl in my head now who should really read this: ill give them the link n who knows, maybe theyll review it too ;) but yeah. really really good poem! :D