Reviews for A Soul Repaired
eew chapter 1 . 11/5/2003
~ This is so emotional! I really love it. The words are beautiful and what's great here is that I can almost feel your sentiment.

c. butterfly~**
alsdjf chapter 1 . 9/13/2003
Sao: The 'she' in this poem can be translated into so many different people, but I think I understand it.

HOS: Either that, or we're delusional and have problems.

Sao: Love the poem. More so than most. Waiting for more!

~Sao & HOS
bookworm701 chapter 1 . 8/19/2003
Wow. That was great. Very good, but please reread the 7th line...Can't say much here because I only have 5 minutes left on the computer...Miss you. Joseph and Tonia and everyone else too. :-(


(a.k.a. bookworm701)
Misguided-Angel chapter 1 . 8/17/2003
but even if you try to get rid of me, i won't leave... i loveie you too much
ittybittytreefrog chapter 1 . 8/17/2003
Very nice poem. Sheltering someone from the world rarely works.