Reviews for Heart's vacation
OttBallOut chapter 1 . 6/11/2006
Hey Ariane! Long time no review right?I really loove this poem. Why do you commit yourself to such outlandish stories for me to read in CW? Oh well, really great... Later! (I certainly hope you remember/figure out who I am!)

~*~Anariel of Mirkwood~*~~*~River of Earth~*~
M.D. Cantine chapter 1 . 8/19/2003
Oh, I like it! Going on Fav Stories List.

So true... the preps must be driven away.

I like it a lot. Keep on writing.
Jackz chapter 1 . 8/18/2003
i'll try boost your self esteem. this is poem is great, i think your dad cried coz he doesn't wanna see you hurt. i relate to this poem a lot. i feel this pain everyday