Reviews for Ever Waiting
Sir Crusto chapter 1 . 9/22/2003
wow this is my fave outa all ur stuff for sho! well if u eva wanna les it up u know where to go...nazza's house cos she is a les innit! x love u lots like vodka shots,in a while crocodile, see ya later aligatror,plant u kno dig ya laterz...uh so bi
not sure yet chapter 1 . 9/11/2003
"I've done what I swore I'd never do

Lying to myself for an age in my head

I'd tried so hard to just live and stay true"

love that stanza, most especially out of all the rest of the poem, its all really good though, very full of longing, think it starts out very dark yet ends out cute, muchly enjoyed, awesome job
SweetGrape chapter 1 . 9/10/2003
Hey- no fair to lure me in with cheese in the summary... well, I don't mind- I'll forgive you, but hmph!

The first line gives an idea of something fading, or something that's not quite there (tis a cool line, me thinks) and then the stanzas continue on to describe a hope, so that can easily link to the true nature of this hope. It's the hope for someone to hold your hand- sweet examples.

'I've tried so hard', but can't ignore or kill this hope- maybe because it hurts to think it'll never come, so it hurts to even hope. Maybe it's an attempt to be jaded. Maybe it's past pain. But you can help holding onto the hope.

'I've done what I swore I'd never do'- tried so ahrd to convince yourself to believe something, to move on, but you just never can.

Great piece about not being able to let go, even though you think you are trying. Maybe, deep down, you don't truly want to.

Softly sweet, but sad-tinged last line.
eew chapter 1 . 9/10/2003
~ That was really sweet and sentimental! I love it. It gives the impression of sadness and incompleteness. Keep writing.

Wait. You are half-Filipino? Looks like Filipinos are all around the world. I often get messages like that from other authors here. But it's great to know that there are writers here who are atleast a part of your race.

P.S. I appreciate your review.

C. butterfly~**
Kenske chapter 1 . 9/6/2003
...*is in awe of the spiffyness* I love this poem! My only suggestion is that in the last sentance, take out the comma. Besides that, there's nothing else! Wonderful, wonderful poem! *clicks favorite story*
Drizzt the Slayer chapter 1 . 9/6/2003
This was incredible, it was so deep and reflected a lot of my own opinion in it. It could have been a bit stronger, you left a tiny bit unpolished I think, but other then that it was incredible. Keep it up!
The intellect chapter 1 . 9/3/2003
oi oi, this aint cheese at all!

i have to admit that you seem to change the subject by the end of the fourth stanza... but it all rolls back together by the end XD


willowzbitch chapter 1 . 9/3/2003
god thats so depressed, it was brilliantly written, really moving and the last line lingers on long after you finsh reading the is a really weird thing, you may find it or find that someone, but what if you miss that chance or never have it...will you be alone and wait forever? emotional really makes you think, Awesome job!