Reviews for All These Letters
JJ chapter 17 . 2/6/2012
Fabulous story, had a great time reading it, thanks. Brad and Kenji are beautiful together.
dizzymslizzy chapter 17 . 8/30/2009
aw amazing story! a roller coaster of emotions but that is life after all... love the characters and glad for the happy ending :D cant wait to read the porcelain child
AlwaysTheNegativeOptimist chapter 4 . 6/8/2009
*gasp* DUN DUN DUN! D i'm so excited! I can't wait to read the rest
AlwaysTheNegativeOptimist chapter 2 . 6/8/2009
Wow. That's really horrible what Kenji's been through... I just don't understand people like Travis...
autumn-annette-19 chapter 17 . 5/19/2009
Great story, keep up the good work.
MAGICAL.NARRATOR chapter 17 . 1/21/2009
i really like this story but i would have like to see brad become famous or something.
Back of Beyond chapter 17 . 12/11/2007
Great story! Though I see you never got round to writing The Porcelain Child...or you've just taken it down. Anyway, hope you start writing again soon, I love your stories. :]
Elidhu chapter 17 . 4/5/2007
Its a really good story lol. I live in a city called Bradford it's freaky seeing it used as a name. It's still an awesum story though.
Lidyah chapter 1 . 6/10/2006
This was a good story. I thought that their could have been more development with the relationship between Brad and Kenji - personally I found it slightly rushed, and I would have loved have seen more interaction between their friends too. You wrote this 3 years ago, and I only got around reading it now. -grins- But I did adore it, and was nice easy story to get through.
D.H. L'Orange chapter 17 . 10/13/2005
very nice!

: )

Kithaniella chapter 17 . 8/21/2005
Another brilliant story.
hiding-this-now chapter 4 . 6/27/2005
Ok, I usually don't review half way through stories that I know are finished but this time I have to!Auckland! The Datsuns! YAY!Sorry, I live in New Zealand, and I just get I live in Christchurch, and I don't particularlly like The Datsuns but still, Awesome!fish n' chipsTineke
Silver Daratraz chapter 11 . 5/10/2005
dung dung dung dung!...the turn of events! the wife has called!
Damian E L chapter 17 . 5/7/2005
-grin- yay
ddz008 chapter 17 . 8/6/2004
It was such a sweet story!
With angst and fluff and what it's better with a happy ending! xD
Kenji and Brad were so great and cute!
I liked Randy... but I can't see Porcelain Child :S Did you write it?
I wanted to kill you when they left each other in the airport and when the "wife" called!
You make me suffer!
It was great, drama is great!
Hope you keep writing the other stories... because I LOVE them!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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