Reviews for One
BERRYLICIOUS chapter 1 . 5/22/2004
that made me feel totally at ease, amazing poem :)
Anjeni Windsinger chapter 1 . 10/11/2003
Simply beautiful, it captivated me. I love every single line of this.
Jess Angel chapter 1 . 9/25/2003
::waves:: Me again...had to check out more of your work! I read some of your profile and found out that you're Filipino too...Coolness. I live over in America, but I've always wanted to go visit the Philipines. My mom and auntie keep saying "next year"...but we can't seem to find the money to go, but somehow, someday, I know we will _

About the poem:

Nice flow. Sweet rhymes. Peaceful tone. I enjoyed this as well.

Keep writing!

Jess 0:o)
I am Gone chapter 1 . 9/18/2003
That was lovely I really liked that.
sathepine chapter 1 . 9/14/2003
Wow... I am awed! I usually can't see how nature could be so inspiring - I am not a nature lover at all. But reading poems like these makes me think twice. Your poem is awe-inspiring ) You must be very inspired. Keep up the good work )