Reviews for Only Light
KristiexxNguyen chapter 1 . 9/20/2003
Wow, I'm almost crying... Thanx for reviewing my song. I knew there was something wrong with my song, but I wasn't sure what. Thanks to you, I know now. The only problem I had with your song is

' Will you shine for me

Like you've always been there?'

It didn't rhyme much with the others. At least your mistake was better than mine. Well, I changed mine, what do you think:

Messages and letters

In the end, I'll be fine

Messages and letters

I'll heal in time

But I know you'll be sorry

'Cause then you'll see,

You'll never find anyone else like me

Anyways, you're a REALLY great writer! love this song!
gsfdgagagdfs chapter 1 . 9/19/2003
Very good. I REALLY enjoyed reading this one.