Reviews for Sparkle Sparkle Little Locket
tera noe chapter 2 . 11/30/2003
great intro!) I love the simple simplicity of things
tera noe chapter 5 . 11/30/2003
hmm...I like your suspense in the beginning with Mark and the man, and you describe the scene really well. But, later, when you get to the ogre, I don't really have a clear picture of what he/she looks like. Also, wut is this silvery substance? Wut does it look/smell/feel/maybe taste like?
Gloom chapter 5 . 11/27/2003
Mehehe! I almost forgot the plot of this story. But ph34r not! I will never forget j00! It was extremely short, unlike my works, and well, was... easy to follow. I can't really think of much else to say. That Ogre thing is kinda freaky like XD

hidden relevance chapter 5 . 11/25/2003
i still don't like the old guy!

hey.. don't sweat it.. i'm in DEEP trouble cuz of how long it's been since i posted... college is evil
minime chapter 3 . 10/13/2003
I'm sorry, I've been busy lately, and I haven't had time to check. I love this chapter! It has a lot of detail, and the suspense is great. I'm becoming very antsy for the next chapter. Please update soon!

Gloom chapter 3 . 10/13/2003
Oh! I love it.! Go go! Such a cliffhanger!
Hidden Relevance chapter 3 . 10/12/2003
Ok.. so if the white dude has kidnapped his family.. he's officially on my hitlist.. not a nice guy..

very well done building the suspense...


so there...
An Inside Joke chapter 2 . 9/27/2003
This is even more interesting, I think. Please continue.
minime chapter 1 . 9/24/2003
Your story is very interesting. I like the mysterious events at the end, and your story flows well. A small suggestion is that you could put something in the beginning to immediately entrance the person reading it. The advice is just a side note though, and it does not really matter. I like your details and how you do not put in too many but just enough. How you tell his past eases in as well. Please continue soon.

bribitribbitt chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
Awesome beginning! Please hurry up and continue. No, actually, chapters are better when you take your time. So take your time. Or whatever.

Hidden Relevance chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
o...enter the mysterious man at the end of the first chapter...i'm already intruigued...i'll have to watch for more of this...
Abigail Marie chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
Sounds good so far. I'm intrigued. Please continue
Gloom chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
O I like this idea. I'll keep posted - adds to author alert O... I onder whats begun?
An Inside Joke chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
Very intriguing. I hope you post more.