Reviews for Online and Offline Love
T. Riddle chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
Yes, good chapter! of course, they'll be in the play together. Yes, it was longer. I love how you update more often than I ever could. .

Makes me happy!
Zoey7 chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
bum bum bum...Ken is the leading role, and so is Sam? now THAT is just strange! lol! seriously, that's cool how the parts worked out. but Sam better watch her back. all those hormonal girls wanting that same part is scary *shudders*

and i can't wait to hear from the online Ken again! its been so long! and if Christina has a plan, let's hear it! P

update soon! _
xSpiritedAwayx chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
Hey! I've followed your whole story and I have to say, it's really addicting! Anyway, the suspense is on! I wonder what the fangirls want...
somethingrandomlydifferent chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
well FINE. just dont update soon! i was waiting and waiting and waiting and you werent updating! lol anyway...yeah the only thing is you repeat a lot of stuff. like you said about christina catching up with samantha and you said it twice. and you said she was gonna buy dinner twice. it makes mi head hurt...

Update. Faster. Or. Else. You. Will. Die. ADIOS!
Fresianlady chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
yay i really like this chapter cuz they dont no who's got the lead role( samantha and ken i mean) its really good but cliffhangers suck

like the wicked witch of the west (or was it the east) said i'm melting i'm melting im gonna shut up now and hit the submit review button
MelanieJan chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
That was awsome. I can't wait to read more. Hope you update soon...:D:D:D
differentlyhappy chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
hey great chapter! i am so glad you updated! nice job.

i hope they don't hurt her or anything lol. update asap
diffenetlyhappy chapter 7 . 11/9/2003
u updated! yay! on to next chapter, longer review there
EchoesOfReason chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
Very nice chapter. very interesting too. i like it. i think that you did a very good job on keeping the other role to sam and ken a secret. it only adds more mystery. but i somehow feel that when she finds out it's him who's playing the other part she'll still drop out. i don't know why but i shall wait till the next chapter and see. thanx for the quick update. you've done a good job with this chapter and i can't wait for the next one. gr...if i had the choice i would ring that little katie's neck. and all ken's fan girls. -glares evilly- really i would if i could and i should...but i can't (

ne who. great chapter. can't wait for the next one. keep up the good work.

love always,

Eliott85 chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
what the crap? FicPress took off my stars. Well, just to let you know, my opinions were always 4 or 4 stars. Now I'll know not to put several asterisks beside each other in a review. sorry.
Night of the Raven chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
I love this story. please write more soon.
Eliott85 chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
Wow. I finish reviewing chapter 7 and chapter 8 pops up. yay.

This is very good. I don't think the roles surprised many readers, but I'm confused that Sam doesn't know who played the leading male. Wasn't she paying attention? Couldn't she hear? Oh well.

Well, another email is on the way. Hope it, too, helps.

This chapter: *

This story: *
Eliott85 chapter 7 . 11/9/2003
Hmm...why didn't I get alerted to this update? Unusual. My email must be screwed up. anyway...

I like this. You put a end to the myth that On-L Ken and Off-L Ken are the same people (though more directly in your comments to your readers than in your story, I think). I'm kinda sorry to see that myth go. I liked believing. Oh well.

Check your mail. You got another thing like last time. Hope it helps.

My opinion:

This chapter: *

This story: *
DreamNightmare chapter 8 . 11/9/2003
yay! im really happy lol...this is great...they dunno who got the other lead part...but we do! ha! lol neways GREAT JOB...update soon!

i-like-music chapter 7 . 11/7/2003
yay new chapter:)

the whole play thing could get really exciting! (I wonder when online Ken will stop being mad at her, excellent written, btw)

well done.
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