Reviews for Happy Birthday?
Lady Allaria chapter 1 . 4/24/2007
Oh, my god! That was just wrong! Man, that just sucks. Zack needs help. Ya don't sleep with someone and then break up. Idiot. Well, I hope everything works out, hun. Remember, if he can't figure out whether or not he loves you, we peoples here on still love you! *hugs*

~Lady Allaria~
brisingr draumar chapter 1 . 3/18/2005
its ok. youll find another boyfriend. anyway even if you dont get another one, DUDE! being single is awsome! you can look all you want, touch too! so have fun! and play pianos! *wink wink* ;) and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! im probably extremely late, actually i know i am...sorry! like i said have fun!
PunkLycan chapter 1 . 7/28/2004
shit that sux.. why didn't you tell what happened to you the night before? man.. that would have been nice... okay well i hope you have better days to come.
your guilty pleasure chapter 1 . 5/2/2004
ok- HARSH! that was so evil of him- I mean I guess I see his point a little- maybe- no not really- AH! (see this is why I gave up men!) that was horrible! U really derserve better (just to inform u). *hugs u* It will be fine! everything works out I hope it works out soon for u
Raven's Light chapter 1 . 4/25/2004
Man... that does suck. Seien Sie starkes, Nathan. *nod* Das Leben saugt. *sigh* You don't know a word I said, do you? Uhn...
countrycookie chapter 1 . 12/21/2003
Hi its me so that sucks out loud.I hope things get better for you.I guess right now my life is not much anywho.I liked the way you have a nack for writing so keep on writing.
soupjoker chapter 1 . 11/22/2003

Really. That's shit.

(My deep advice)

LghtAngel chapter 1 . 10/22/2003
o. sorry to hear, hope things'll work out for the best!..
Lucy chapter 1 . 10/22/2003
ouch, harsh

yep, love can be a MAJOR bitch sometimes

but hey, tell Zach i say good luck to getting things figured out; trying to figure out your sexual orientation's gotta be major hard

if i may, maybe he could try going to a psychologist; i know mine's helped me out w/ some tough stuff, and there's more to come (i've got an appointment coming up and i've got LOTS to tell her)

Last Pain of the Dragon chapter 1 . 10/21/2003
no! i feel bad now :( *sniffles* hope you feel better
okinawa baby chapter 1 . 10/21/2003
poor SlashyMan! *tears* that's so not right...i hope everything gets better for you! *sniffle* good baby
hailie hiwatari chapter 1 . 10/20/2003
omg! thats so sad! my breakup was almost the same, only my ex was too scared to tell me in life.
Lurea Tinuviel chapter 1 . 10/20/2003
thats so sad!

ugh and i thought my breakup was sudden...I suppose I could say that I feel your pain...even if it was probably alot less than yours.

as a viginette, its beautiful. Truly moving