Reviews for Mortality?
X Rock Princess X chapter 1 . 5/23/2004
Wow..bravo..So true. I wonder how many ants you do kill during the day.. Someone once told me that for every ant you kill is how many lies you will tell.
Altaica chapter 1 . 2/6/2001
Wow...very true. People should read this and actually think (something that they tend not to do too often around here...) people often don't realize what they have, what they should do, how not to put things off for another day.
Dark Angel Of Retribution chapter 1 . 12/20/2000
That is so true. It makes sense to me and I usually think like that. This has just brought things into perspective. The matters of life and death are a close matter to me and I thank you for bringing this to other peoples attention! Perhaps it will make them think on how insignificant we all are! Well Done!