Reviews for Could Be Paradise chapter 34 . 1/27/2009

I really, really enjoyed reading this story.

It's been an amazing experience.

It was rather sweet and funny, could make me somber and think and was plain entertaining. There were parts that seemed to be a bit too drawn, or none-too-perfect parts, but every part of it, I'm glad to have read.

The characters were really different than what we come across usually, and I loved seeing them find themselves, the different aspects of their lives and how peoples' opinions on you depend on the smallest things.

I loved the details like his shades, and his relationship with Jodie-wodie (Jodie-wodie, seriously? lol) was damn amazing ;)

Oh, and their last exchange was really sweet. Corny, as you said, maybe, but really sweet.

Thank you for sharing.

I'm really glad I read this.
LuckyStars123 chapter 34 . 1/18/2009
Hey Typesour,

I'm a long time fan of 'Could Be Paradise.' I haven't seen any activity from you in a long while and just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I enjoyed this story. Since the first time I read it, I found it to be smartly funny and I always remember how Louis shaved of the lone patch of hair at the front of his head. I'd also have to say that of all the stories on FP, 'Could Be Paradise' is one of, if not, my favourite stories here. So, I hope you continue to write and share with us here at FP.

Looking forward to reading more of your work,

DLETE THIS OLD chapter 34 . 12/26/2008
o i love this story! it's so funny, but serious and interesting at the same time. great job :)
loveables chapter 1 . 11/20/2008
lol omg its been soo long since ive read an FP romance dt was gotten me captured. nd usuali im not one for these knda characters but i LUVD i teared up..i louie was soo gud work *thumbs up*
Cove28 chapter 34 . 8/6/2008
I loved this's sad and funny and just totally awesome.

I couldn't stop reading until the end. it's 2:36 and i'm up because i've been reading this. so thanks for writing a great story.
gulistala chapter 30 . 6/29/2008
I have tears in my eyes! _
gulistala chapter 29 . 6/29/2008
Couldn't she have just spat out the truth? Why she really went over to Kurt? That bastard needs to be slapped! I get he was hung up on her, but wrenching the phone away from her and shouting at Louis himself was going to far.

Must read on!

gulistala chapter 26 . 6/29/2008
They're going to use Roy's money for Wendy aren't they?

Wow, the both of them have troubled families.

Must read on!

gulistala chapter 21 . 6/28/2008
I knew it! That bastard was cheating on her months, hence why he was 'having to stay late at school' several times. T_T
gulistala chapter 18 . 6/28/2008
I knew it! Louis is an artsy person! Yay!
gulistala chapter 7 . 6/28/2008
WTF? Some nerve that bastard has. Let's hope Louis can beat him to a pulp. I bet you Macy's family gave Kurt the address. It woulda done her and her family some good if she had told them what the real deal with Kurt was.

Must read on!

gulistala chapter 3 . 6/28/2008
I knew that bastard was cheating on her! He seemed to good to be true! D

violet blossom chapter 11 . 6/15/2008
Just want to let you know that you seem to put this chapter and the last chapter in the wrong order.
violet blossom chapter 5 . 6/15/2008
I know you wrote this ages ago, but i just found this story and read the first few chapters. It's perfect. I love it and I don't think it moves to fast. It's already hinted in the preface. It's perfect.
DOLCEVITA chapter 34 . 4/10/2008
I just discovered this story and thank goodness I did! I absolutely love it! I love how their relationship developed and everything!
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