Reviews for The Stupid Things We Say and Do
The-Original-Neko chapter 6 . 10/4/2005
fuuny dunny stuf
IrishVampire13 chapter 14 . 8/12/2005
~~Beth: The four C's?Me: Consume, converse, chores, and call.~~

Good one. :D

~~Jasmyne: This is really good coffee, does anyone want a bite?~~

And she's sure that that's GOOD coffee?

~~I watched them play on the radio once.~~

It's a magic radio! :D

~~Me: No, but I was salty once.~~

Combine the two, and you can be a tequila! (I think.)

~~You know, mosquitos are kinda cute if you don't look at them.~~

So are ugly men, come to think of it...

~~Beth: That's funny 'cause muffins eat dra...wait.~~


~~Well...your mom's a bald woman with blue hair!~~

*crickets chirping* Uhm... :D Cute!

~~Patrick: Your mom's a freshly painted ceiling!Me: Your mom's a buttered piece of toast!~~

Some of the weirdest insults I've ever read.

~~And blood is thicker than water.~~

Wouldn't you know, the only thing in that whole conversation that made sense is also the most random part of the conversation! *giggles* That's hilarious!

~~Who knows when we're coming back...again.~~

Oh, I hope it's soon! :-D
Tapioooca chapter 14 . 8/7/2005
LOL! taht's really funny! my cousin is 12 and she does stuff like that all the time. she'd liek this. i should make her read it...
The FiboNACHI Sequence chapter 13 . 8/4/2005! soo dumb, yet so funny! nice!...
goldring chapter 13 . 7/16/2005
Oh. My. Flippin'. God. LAUGH OUT LOUD FFUUNNYY! (cant do bold in reviews, so I settled for repeating each letter) Oh, wow. *gasps for breath between gales of laughter* wow. TOTALLY wish I had this idea, especially when I was in school! (goin off to college soon, *tear*) You seem like the type of person who would fit right in at my lunch table. Lets one friend claimed that "the most famous clarinet player played the clarinet", and my other friend and I began discussing the sexuality of various objects (basketball hoops are hermafrodites
SparkleSprite chapter 13 . 7/8/2005
Hey friend! Long time no talk, yeah? Well, I'm in school right now and it's 9:43 am here which makes it barely 6:43 over there for you guys. I'm so bored! ok, well I guess I'll go read some stories, ok. bye! i love you.
seasick chapter 1 . 6/18/2005
your crazy...but you probaly already knew that. oh and girls can pee standing i use to do it as a kid cause my brother potty trained me. :~/
dicexXxhanyou chapter 6 . 4/27/2005
HAHA i like Yami Bakura too! but yami marik ish better. and haha this is funny, its very amusing to read th is.
IrishVampire13 chapter 13 . 1/8/2005
~~Beth: I miss his : Mrs. Hair?~~

Sam chapter 13 . 1/7/2005
lol... this was really funny and as i was readingit i was like...omg me andmy friends are like
penguin23 chapter 2 . 1/7/2005
hehe i like it... the samr thing happened to me on halloween but they told me i was too old to trick or treat *tear* anyway...i like the ramdom much like my friends and me
Fading.To.Black chapter 13 . 1/6/2005
Heh..thats great. We can be stupid..if we dont try. Wait..does that make sense..oh well..we will try to be more..stupid. We just have to listen to Douglas more ). Keep it up!
RiverDoe chapter 1 . 12/2/2004
I just fell off my chair laughing. honestly this is hilarious. especially about the toilet thing. can't. stop. laughing. _

wander if the rest of this is as funny.
insipid happiness chapter 3 . 12/1/2004
*is dead from laughing so hard* X.x i swear, this is exactly how my lunch goes, LOL! j/k anyways you and your fruiends are hilarious!
insipid happiness chapter 2 . 12/1/2004
*dies laughing*
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