Reviews for Tomorrow
imxnotxyourxstar chapter 1 . 3/15/2004
This poem has left me speechless, it's absolutely amazing.
"I'm afraid of finding the stars I wish on so hard/Are just the glowing headlights of a passing car." Great lines. Fantastic job!
Haven of the Shadows chapter 1 . 12/5/2003
I like this alot! it's depressing though.
E.m.p.t.y.H.o.r.i.z.o.n chapter 1 . 11/30/2003
This is a really good poem, I love the last two lines especially. Great job!
P.S. Thanks for reviewing my poem!
Faithrss chapter 1 . 11/18/2003
I love this. I supose it helps that i understand just how this feels. great job!
IHJ chapter 1 . 11/12/2003
It's a good poem, got some emotion vibrating off it. And some very good lines. Have to agree with Gods Private Jokes about the off-rhyming lines, that made me stumble a bit.

Izy J.
acccountkiller chapter 1 . 11/12/2003 *awed*...honestly..this is sad..but the message is great, the last bit is my expresses a lot of emotion, thnx so much for reviewing my poem, if u hadnt done it i would probably never have known about u, and this is rhymes brilliantly, has a great flow and gorgous imagery, lvoe and good luck, Mia
Dirty Wallpaper chapter 1 . 11/9/2003
*drops dead*

fan bloody tastic, a beautiful angst poem with lovely and thoughtful descriptions which are clear and make such a lonely sense...

i loved the aura of twilight the poem gave off, i felt like i was in limbo throughout the piece, and it seemed like the darkness was only so far away.

"I just want someone to read between the scars" very clever, and very sad, a tender and innocent statement.

"Terrified to find that I wasn't asleep at all." i think that was the most horror inducing line of the whole poem, just the thought that the terrible life you are living and cant stand may be a reality, would be petrifying.

"I'm afraid of finding the stars I wish on so hard,

Are just the glowing headlights of a passing car." very realistic, but hopelessness just emanated off it.

"And I'm sick of thinking everything will be all right,

If I can just make it through one more lonely night." just so heartbreaking, so simple, yet just its meaning, its connotations...everything, made its simplicty speak gigantic volumes of despair.

"Maybe I won't let tomorrow come." very final, very chilling, a superb ending to a breath takingly beautiful and thought provoking poem. i loved this, just great, huge and fantastic kudos to you chica, keep up the great work!
S.C. Preclarus Noctis chapter 1 . 11/9/2003
Wow...just wow...that was and beautiful...and awesome..and all the good comments out there...or maybe even beyond the good comments...
Heather Montgomery chapter 1 . 11/9/2003
Wow... wow. *hugs Fae, tight* This is so... sad. It made me cry. It's beautiful, babe. Absolutely beautiful. *sniffs* Oh, man.. this has got to be one of your best poems yet. Wow. I envy your talent for saying exactly what I'm thinking.. and doing it n rhyme, too. You have an amazing talent for ehyming without making it sound forced. God, this poem is beautiful babe. I just want to let you know that you're not completely alone. I'm always thinking of you, maybe not in the way you want someone to think of you, but definetly as my best friend. It's hard to know that I can't actually be THERE for you.. but I'm still always here for you. It will get better, babe. Someday. Just hold on, because I know you're strong enough. *HUGS* Wow, Fae... this poem is truly amazing. *sniffs* Amin mela lle, melamin.
simpleplan13 chapter 1 . 11/9/2003
wow.. very powerufl.. brilliant rhyming relly sad, but I know how it feels.. its an amazing poem! keep up the great writing!
Seremela Minyatur chapter 1 . 11/8/2003
good poem. very well written. sounds like how i used 2 b. i am much farther gone now. keep writing!
Ruarc chapter 1 . 11/8/2003
Aye... that was very cool. Something about the style goes perfectly with the emotions in it. It works so well. And I can completely relate to it.

But when I face the facts I have here,

I realize I'm not going anywhere.

What difference could another day make,

When every day till now has been a mistake?

And when all is said and done -

Maybe I won't let tomorrow come.

I love that part. I know exactly how that feels. That, and it's written so well.

My heart grows cold as beneath the moon I wait,

Wondering if my sun will rise or if it already set.

That was the only thing that didn't seem to work perfectly- the rhyme seemed a little off. AT least to me. I'm not really one to talk about rhyming anyways, so...

Anyways. I really like this- it's so simple, but it says so much. Powerful. It's great.
Trinity Joselyn Carter chapter 1 . 11/8/2003
awesome! words cannot describe... all i gotta say is this is on my favs list!
swift sky silver chapter 1 . 11/8/2003
well written. i especially like your rhyme scheme0)
BecomingMyself chapter 1 . 11/8/2003
Well, you know, I wrote in Juliet's way about what could happen "after all is said and done": Forever dreams shall never fade, as long hearts on fire will burn out the way..."

So stick around to find out, and let tomorrow come, please...

Long and nicely written rhyming poem.

Write on!