Reviews for Gato Enchiladas
Adonia Chesser chapter 1 . 4/6/2005
LOL, funny story, I liked it anyway. good poem.
Delete Name chapter 1 . 7/6/2004
Hehehe! I loved this! Short and... um... is sweet the right word?
9/10: you get bored easily too, eh?
Ria Mala chapter 1 . 2/7/2004
Heh, its cool. A little rhyme-y thingy to amuse my easily amused mind.
*chants poem*
dfgsfdghftgt44 chapter 1 . 11/13/2003
HEY! I happen to love cats! That's so mean... (*pauses*)... but that was freakin funny anyways! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

~Cirien Phoenix of the Eternal Phlame