Reviews for Secrets in Blood
M.D chapter 2 . 9/20/2009
dude! why didnt u finish the story Dx

or atleast write so many chapters that people get bored from reading them
itzme chapter 1 . 9/15/2004
hey i miss you soo much heyy you didn't i'll cum visit nxt time...okey byebye
whitefire chapter 2 . 8/12/2004
hurry up and update!
Kaida Nishi Kaori Knox chapter 2 . 6/21/2004
Thanks for the review! u do not know how long i have been waiting for one on that collection. This is really good! Why don't u continue it? *looks over paper like shes the teacher and grading it*. M...m...this is not good. no updates since november, eh? i will have to giv for this...Hey, do u need any ideas for this? i thought it'd be better to ask than go ahead and give one. i hate it when people do that! u have a perfectly good plotline and they screw it up thinking ur gunna use theirs.
itzme chapter 2 . 1/21/2004
dis person sounds a lot like sonya: "though she had this habit of hitting guys on the head with textbooks"...and da evil glare stuff too...uh-oh...I dun tink i should've said that...ACK!SHEZ AFTA ME!*runs away*
~ I tink you should change the color of kurai's dad's car...silver seems kinda like a silent, mysterious color...but the car means sumthing like evil and death...make it a more evil black. (D)
BlackLilyArcher chapter 2 . 1/20/2004
if u don't update soon i will bash u in the head, kick u in the shin, punch u in the face, and stab u in the heart. so keep writing. c ya
BlackLilyArcher chapter 1 . 1/20/2004
Izzy chapter 2 . 12/5/2003
Hey! very VERY good! you need to keep on workin on cause, dude, you can write! i mean i'll tell u if i got a nickel for every story dat i've publeshd over the net i would have, well nuttin...but u my good friend, u...umm...u...oh!...UR VERY GOOD! ya, so c ya at school!
izzy chapter 1 . 11/22/2003
This part's kinda gross and disgusting! but, its very good!_ now...wheres th rest? listen its good but i read it at school and now i want 2 read th rest...but believe me it IS good!
lilpheonix chapter 1 . 11/18/2003
GREAT STORY! It sets a clear image of what's going on. I wonder what happens next...O.o
Aqua Siren chapter 1 . 11/18/2003
Somewhat short, but very sad. I feel really sorry for him. Really, Whats his dad's problem? Oh well i have to wait and see, wont I :-).

Good Luck
AndForAMomentIAmHappy chapter 1 . 11/17/2003
:o Thats awful!