Reviews for rainlove
Alannah60 chapter 1 . 12/3/2003
In this poem you used alot of very good language which realy attracted my interset and kept me reading.
I loved it, espically the first verse when you talk about your soul.
It was very powerful and i hope that you do more of the same thing.
lv Alannah60
Miamouse chapter 1 . 11/23/2003
I love the almost total lack of punctuation and capital letters... gives it a flowing, constant feeling.

I like, "so the rain runs, against the tide" Well done.

esotericblood chapter 1 . 11/23/2003
Wow, it's dark, but it's beautiful, and very subtle, too. I really liked this poem a lot.

If you get a chance read and review my stuff please :) hehehe