Reviews for Eleven
Hed in the Cloudz chapter 1 . 6/13/2008
Wow! I love the twist. It's short, sweet, and makes me want to know more- which is always great. If more of your stories are like this, I'll have to make a point to come back!

But, because you gave me such wonderful concrit, I'm here to return the favor. Here goes!

First off, I don't like the line "she was the picture of innocence." It sounds like very few people are innocent in this world, and her conviction, bravery, and attire imply that she's a rebel of some type, or at least exposed to war and secrecy. Thus, as amazing and intriguing as it is to have "the picture of innocence" being interrogated, it doesn't really work.

This next thing might just be me, but I think that the parenthesis in the middle of your fourth paragraph seem out of place. They change the tone, implying some type of self-correcting narrator, and the mirror is an irrelevant detail that, if you insisted, could be included as a description instead.

Also, you spelled "conscious" and "camouflage" wrong. Just so you know. :)

But really, thanks for posting this! It's a great story to start off my review-returning spree with. And by the way, your review was AMAZINGNESS.
Rex Nightingale chapter 1 . 5/18/2008
Sorry this isn't verified, the website won't let me log in.

Overall good story, although the dialogue seems a bit clichéd. A few hints of classic sci-fi and action films like the Matrix and Terminator coming through there I think...

The scene is very nicely portrayed and most of the language provide the right atmosphere, and I like the line "He was once like her, many years ago" and what it turns out to be hinting at.

Also, it would have been nice to know a bit of background to the story, but as it is it works as just a short story with more character and setting than plot.

Great story, I'll get onto your others soon.
Intrepid23 chapter 1 . 7/6/2006
Nice! Excellent unfolding of events with just the right amount of suspense and darkness. Brilliant ending!
emptyword chapter 1 . 6/18/2006
Yikes. Disturbing indeed. Now my remaining question is: was there more behind this one-shot, a bigger story, or was this an exercise?
theLethean chapter 1 . 5/8/2006
Yow... that raised goosebumps. His own sister! Very well-written, though - especially the shocker ending.

Excellent :)
JaveHarron chapter 1 . 3/3/2006
Powerful writing here. Shooting his own sister, damn!
M.D.Irvine chapter 1 . 2/28/2006
scary, i have goosebumps thinking about it well written, it brings up a lot of questions
Arkash chapter 1 . 3/10/2005
This is chilling to the bone, but very well crafted. I still have goosebumps running over !
Victoria chapter 1 . 11/1/2004
Sort of a combination of Ernest Hemingway and Liam O'Flaherty! (That's a compliment!) I'm quite intrigued by this world you've created and looking forward to reading more about it!
freedman121 chapter 1 . 6/23/2004
I liked this one too! I like how it leaves a lot of questions to be answered, and still has a real point.
oot chapter 1 . 6/3/2004
Wow...intense and disturbing. I like it.
I'd offer constructive criticism, but I can't think of any way you could improve on that.
jeff chapter 1 . 4/15/2004
Disturbing, yes, but brilliant at the same time. You clearly have a gift for writing, but perhaps you should add a little more info about the rebellion and what they werer fighting for. I love shocking endings. just my 1 cents.
C. K. Holmes chapter 1 . 3/24/2004
Whoa. That's gonna give me nightmares for a week. It's going on my favorites list.
Lee Harvey Kennedy chapter 1 . 1/19/2004
I must say, I was impressed by this story. It was simple, yet it told quite a story.
Looking back on a second reading, I enjoy seeing all the subtle clues you left in, such as the recognition in the soldier's eyes.
The end caught me off guard; I commend you for it, I wasn't expecting that. It was quite well done. I have a problem with keeping explanation's simple, but effective. You accomplished it nicely.
Once again, very well done. It was a pleasure to read. I hope we can continue to review and help each other with our works in the future.
Lightness chapter 1 . 1/16/2004
thats just disgusting.
sad thing is, this kinda stuff actually happens (not in this exact way but like with the whole hitler/jewish thing where people followed orders blindly).
its sickening.
anyway, this really was great. i kinda wish it was longer but oo well. i cant have everything, i suppose.
well, nice job.
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