Reviews for The Sandman's Kiss
Amindaya chapter 14 . 7/22/2007
I loved it. It made me cry, actually, but I liked the happy ending.
SKoW Rep chapter 1 . 7/12/2007
Congratulations! Your story, The Sandman's Kiss, has been nominated for the 'Best Slash: complete' category at the SKoW awards! ( : / / w w w . / )Please promote and vote, and good luck!
Toxxic Kitty chapter 14 . 7/12/2007
Wow. You stroy was amazing. I read all the time, but it is so hard to find a story that captures my imagination like this one did. I laughed at parts, and cried at others, but all-in-all I'm very happy that you shared your talents with us and wrote this story. I can tell you my rear will be happy that i am not sitting on it all day trying to finish all fourteen chapters. I'm not sure that you'll read this seeing as how your story was written so long ago or even if you till post stories on fictionpress, but please take my words to heart when I say you have an amazing talent, and to never stop writting.

Calico Dreams chapter 14 . 7/11/2007


Are you getting this published?

You need to.

You did an awesome job with

themes and bringing things back from the past.

All in all, this was probably

one of the best works on here

I've ever read...

Kickass job!

Calico Dreams chapter 3 . 7/8/2007
This chapter deserved an award.

Just like...

the rest of your story.

So there. :P

Keep up the good work.

8D chapter 14 . 7/7/2007
I am so glad I bookmarked your fictionpress account ages ago. I don't know where I would be if I had been unable to come back to it once I remembered its existence. (Especially since I never knew it was complete! XD It would have been distressingly distressful.)
Kidiu chapter 14 . 6/30/2007

I noticed how you tied the very beginning of the first chapter with chapter 12, when Caspar was talking to Alek. I think thats genius.

And OH. MY. GOD. The last three words spoken made the ending purely beautiful.

Thank you so much for a great story!
nyar chapter 14 . 6/29/2007
i know he lost his memories, but it feels like alek is a completely different person.. nyar, i kind of feel like caspar betrayed him by falling in love with this one... nyar
Kidiu chapter 4 . 6/28/2007
Haha, just had to say I liked how this chapter ended...gonna continue reading, now...
carcrash chapter 14 . 6/3/2007
I loved this story (and still do!)

I cried to it when Alek died. God, I'm a sap!

Anyway, amazing.
hittocerebattosai chapter 14 . 5/18/2007
Cool! I love it! Thank you for writing it... I like how you developed the characters. It was a nice touch, the thing about Alek not liking cherries. *grin*
Mademoiselle Rouge chapter 14 . 5/18/2007
OMG i cannot even start expressing how much i love this story !

Oh god, this, great. Makes me speachless, actually ;)

I've been crying through the last three chapters, and I nearly wanted to kill you. It kept on getting worse and the more i read the more i thought that you were going to leave us with a horrible end.

But in the end (and my little nerves are so greatful ;p), this story is perfect as it is. I love you ! Yay ! I really like the fact that it's not a 100 percent happy ending, it's original, more realisitic, and fustrating. Gah, i must be sadistic, but fustrating endings...i love ;)

I really like Casper. I felt so bad for him when things got bad. And his was killing me !

I also love Lorne. His perverted yet cute mind is so funny. It's a pity he's only a side character, but i guess that in a story between a human and the sandman...he cannot really be in a central position.

Anyway, i couldn't stop reading, and i enjoyed the whole of it. Made me laugh to find a story about the Sandman coz i've read a story about Jack Frost not too long ago, who can actually be seen by a human (aah...and what happens ? they fall in love ). And does the myth of the boogieman really exist ? Seriously, i had no idea who was jack frost before reading that other story, and the sandman was...erm not unknown to me, but not far from it, and boogieman...never heard of it ;) Gah French legends are so boring !

Ok. I gotta stop writing ;)

Loved this story, you HAVE to write others, and finish them too :D I'll go check out the others you've wrote when i have time !

Voila, that's it.

Oh, and THANKS ! ;)

*bear hug*

Akai ringo
Kamiack chapter 14 . 4/29/2007
God I cried so bad on the last three chapters. The ending was so good and the new alek was a good choice because it wouldn't be as believable if it was the same one. The only thing that was confusing was the flashback, before Alek was shot, yeah I didn't get it.
The Intelligent Designer chapter 14 . 4/16/2007
Simply beautiful, I enjoyed it a whole bunch. Wonderful characters and a lovely plot, it's going on my favorites.
Citrus-Vinaigrette chapter 14 . 4/5/2007
Wow! Such an amazing story! Gah! I wanted to cry when Alek died! I'm so glad that it was a happy ending after all. So super sweet! Great story! Keep up the good work )
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