Reviews for Briar
Kat-Renee Kittel chapter 1 . 11/8/2005
The comparison is in this piece is fantastic. I can relate to both the briar and the "thornless rose" and what the future holds.

Wonderful poem! Please post more!
starflames chapter 1 . 10/27/2005
omg you are right, that is a really awsome poem! It flows really well, and even with the rhyme it didn't seem to forced. Probably one of the best poems i have read here so far, (granted i have't read that much poetry yet, but still...) Great job and keep up the good work!~Starflames
chaspazoideXX chapter 1 . 1/17/2004
hey this is lena, i really love this poem! i'm not much for poetry but this is really very good. i can see how this is one of your best. yay! you go, yeah! _-