Reviews for The Corn Chip Chronicles
Penny so Pretty chapter 1 . 2/6/2004
first of all, you took the name Noir from anime. And second of all, you put raven colored hair. what is raven colored hair? or what does it look like? other than that, it was good... good job (inside thing [sorry])! keep writing... R&R my pieces... pleez... arigato...
Uqaq -
LittleCreatureOfTheSnow chapter 1 . 2/4/2004
Hey! Little_Child_of_the_West_Wind here! I now have an account on fictionpress! And I have uploaded several things, including the poem that explains both my names.I still think that this story is good! Sorry if I'm shamelessly advertising my stuff.
P.S. I can't belive I forgot to sign the end of my last review! What kind of baka am I becoming? SIGNING MY USERNAME MAKES ME FEEL IMPORTANT, DANGIT!
kalathetrumpeter chapter 1 . 1/29/2004
I guess Little_Child_of_the_West_Wind beat me to reviewing. . . Oh well! I just want say, this is good, and I want to see what happens next! Yup, this is a coolio story. _
LittleChildoftheWestWind chapter 1 . 1/28/2004
Interesting! Is this 'wolf youth' a distant reletive of Noir? Just that the two descriptions sound a tad similar. Well, keep going! It might be interesting to see how this turns out.
hopeless romantic2aT chapter 1 . 1/15/2004
i seriously like this so far...and the title and summary is a breath of fresh air...this chapter, i think, is really alluring. if you want a beta reader, id be glad to do it for you. you can count on me to read your next chapter and review it. good job