Reviews for Time Travel
LoreLorelei chapter 11 . 2/20/2017
It might be very petty of me, but I can' t forgive him. He should have bought Merle back. I like the rest though.
LoreLorelei chapter 9 . 2/20/2017
I want her to have Merle back
LoreLorelei chapter 7 . 2/20/2017
I hate him!
K chapter 25 . 7/2/2013
That was one of the best stories I've read on fictionpress. I couldn't wait to keep reading it. I am truly glad I found this on accident.
Loved by
Ps: cant stop wondering what it would be like for Rhys to see Delilah's world.
moscalover chapter 25 . 6/15/2013
I loved everything about this story, except for the fact that she got over Merle so quickly. It was so out of character, to me. I can honestly say that that small thing disappointed me a lot. But great story :) I like that she actually talked about thing, unlike the annoying type other people make their character seem, because those only think about kissing and stuff, they have no personality. Anyway, congrats with this :)
Hiddenphrases chapter 5 . 9/21/2010
This one really good! Thank you so much for writing this!
Hiddenphrases chapter 4 . 9/21/2010
Oh oh oh! This is so entertaining! I love it! Awesome job!
Hiddenphrases chapter 2 . 9/21/2010
YES! Escape from that OGRE! :O
Hiddenphrases chapter 1 . 9/21/2010
This is so good so far!
Tia Pias chapter 25 . 3/1/2009
I loved this story.

No wait... I ADORED this story! This was amazing, wonderful, dramatic, loving, heart wrenching and beautiful. I loved it and I am so happy to have read such a great piece of fiction!
merkaba chapter 2 . 6/8/2008
This is the first story that I have read on this site. I enjoyed it. I am looking forward to more. Any chance of an update soon?
youpin chapter 25 . 2/21/2007
Summer's Light chapter 25 . 2/10/2006
Nice story! :) I love your plots...and Phillip and his plan smart! :)
Aidrianna chapter 25 . 5/16/2005
wow. that was amazing. i mean...just wow. it was actually quite perfect. not like, gramattically or anything (not saying it wasn't gramatically good, but that's just not how i judge a story) but with the characters and everything that happened and i loved it. i love the name Rhys, by the way. reminds me of Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. i also like the painting. when she found it in the book in the beginning i knew that she had gone back in time and painted it. which is a cool effect if i do say so myself. this was truly a wonderful are SUCH a magnificent author...are you published? you really should be... at least "Legend and Life" should be..i Love that story (please try to update soon!) so yeah. i think the long review of flowery praise is over now... wonderful story *smiles*
Jamith chapter 1 . 1/21/2005
hey, good story so far, cant wait to read the reast, but the bell just i gots to go
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