Reviews for Runaway: The Cycle of Wandering
FamishedNight chapter 14 . 5/9/2011
Awesome story!
Chitose chapter 12 . 4/29/2005
These last two chapters, where Sam is leaving, have cemented my belief that you are an excellent writer. The words you use, the sentence structure-everything is perfect. The only problem I saw in these chapters is that they seemed to be a bit repetitive. Obviously Sam's decision of whether or not to leave is a huge turning point in the story, it may have been dwelled upon a bit too much.
Chitose chapter 7 . 4/28/2005
I love this chapter. I love the way-just as things were cooling down-you introduced a new character, and a new conflict. And, you waited to explain it. many cootoes to you.
Chitose chapter 2 . 4/8/2005
As I said in my review of you're first chapter, this is really amazing writing. One thing, however...everything that happens to Sam seems...too easy. You would think that running away from home, traveling great distances, and settling down in an unfarmiliar city would be more difficult than it appears here, even for someone as resorceful as Sam. Instantly getting a well-paying job, finding a nice apartment for just 2,0...for Sam's sake, i hope you aren't just waiting for the opportune moment to strike at her.
Chitose chapter 1 . 4/8/2005
Excellent. The way you set up this first chapter was explained everything the reader needs to know without turning it into a child's bedtime story. This is the first story of yours i've read, but I can already tell that you write fantastically...hooked instantly.
Tk.T chapter 1 . 1/3/2005
Good start you have here! Very objective...hopefully you'll expand on plotline in further chapters, I'm sure you will...this was only the prologue. But very interesting. I like the objective feel to it...suspenseful? No grammar good for you!

I give KUDOS for The Cycle of Wandering!

Happy writing!

Isabel Risone chapter 14 . 12/18/2004
This is a great story! O_O I want to read more...
Sunne chapter 14 . 5/19/2004
This is an excellent story. I hope Sam/Missi turns 18 before they find her, if they find her. Please keep going.
BRUSH chapter 14 . 1/25/2004
nu! i read the whole story so far! you must update! or i will come to you and replace your teeth with gummy bears! orange gummy bears! muha!...sorry. random, but please, update soon.
Night of the Raven chapter 14 . 1/22/2004
i dont know why people arent reviewing but you have a nice story here keep it up.