Reviews for Words of a Loner
Moosher chapter 1 . 2/26/2006
Wow. I loved this. Very honest and heartfelt. And I can somehow relate to this. seeing as Im kind of a loner myself.. or used to be. I hang around people. I have friends, even best friends.. But I still keep most of me to myself. You depicted the idea and feelings beautifully. great job! I also lve the lines "never trust, never love, never believe" They ad so much more meaning and power to that stanza.. and to the poem too. I find it hard to trust. But I don't think I can stop myself from liking people. They just have to earn it. ugh.. I talked too much.. thanx for writing this. I loved it. Keep up the good work.

Always Writing chapter 1 . 6/12/2004
...Wow. This is so beautiful. Such emotion there, and it completely speaks to me. "Never trust, never love, never believe"...I've been there, but I proved those words wrong. Hope you can too.
Fantastic poem...truly is amazing. (It's going on my favourites).
Keep writing,
queenvixta chapter 1 . 5/9/2004
Amazing poem. Theres not much to say apart from wow this is so good! I hope to read many more like it! ;D
Amara Ryden chapter 1 . 4/21/2004
great job! this reminds me of when i was younger, cuz i wouldn't trust anyone, and i didn't have many friends...
Master Mind4 chapter 1 . 4/14/2004
Holy crap! This has got to be the best poem I've ever read, really! Maybe it's because it feels like you know me and wrote this (i know you didn't). Wow, this is a great poem I wish I would've thought of. EXCELLENT WORK! Keep it coming.
izzy chapter 1 . 2/25/2004
this is very*sniff* very beautiful! DAMN, girl! where DO u come up w/this? o yea! it is gud 2 have friends!
BlackLilyArcher chapter 1 . 1/25/2004
THIS IS SO GOOD! keep writing!