Reviews for Losing Yourself
Punk'd chapter 1 . 2/4/2004
Thats so beautifully written and so true! I loved this! Please, keep writing...You're very talented.
Shavona chapter 1 . 1/31/2004
Seeing as though no one seems interested in my story or wants to review, I'll review my thoughts on it:
I love it, I feel as though it's apart of me and it's about growing up and how you really begin to see as you grow and you begin to learn about life and things that aren't all really fairy tales; sometimes you just want to crawl back into your bed and close your eyes to escape from the world and just be a kid again. You just want to be blind again and live in a fantasy world. I like the repetition line "I'm losing myself" I do feel this story could have more potential but I know you put heart and soul into this. Congragulus,