Reviews for Referring to 911
Katana no Youkai Okami chapter 1 . 2/6/2004
You write poetry very well. That's something I can't do... -.-U My sister, Ky Doppelganger, writes good poems, too. She's on . She needs reviews...
Penny so Pretty chapter 1 . 2/5/2004
this piece is very good... i think i'll add it to my fav. stories list.. Very good. i like how you enter the poem and then end it. ya know? like with the whole:
"someday i'll whisper in the ear of a grandchild dear
Be glad to live as you do, to live without fear"
That's the best part because without it, the poem wouldn't be as good. But, it would still be good...
R&R my pieces pleez! I feed on reviews and right now, i'm starving!
Uqaq -