Reviews for Telran Academy
GrimIsaac chapter 6 . 8/16/2013
... what the heck is jason talking about, it doesnt make sense (or at least middle-class sense)?
GrimIsaac chapter 1 . 8/16/2013
great first chapter! all the MC(main character)s remind me of myself, i've got terry's lazy laid back attitude, i've got Jason's rotation mouth, and i've got Alex's smarts(though not as good) and his emotion-holding when hurt.
DeadlyKitten2021 chapter 43 . 3/26/2013
Wow i thought i wouldnt like this when i saw it and at the beginning i didnt really like the way it was written but i got used to it, lolz i LOVED it ;P and i can't wait to read more :)
Yaoi-sama chapter 15 . 2/19/2011
They cry far too often. And cry themselves to sleep far too often. Like all they're doing is that. They haven't even kissed. That's not a relationship at all, it is called a romantic friendship.
Yaoi-sama chapter 9 . 2/19/2011
I don't think that in this stage, they are actually 'in love with one another'. That's just curiosity and no way they could fall for each other so fast, under any circumstances, even though Jason's trauma and Terry's sudden 'breakdown' had taken place. To put it simply, the idea is good, but not done well. Your characters don't develop at all; they just randomly behave and name things.
SilverSymbol chapter 6 . 6/14/2010
Um, this may be a little nit-picky...but 3,0 books for a library is actually quite small. I personally own somewhere around 600 and they don't fill up one wall of shelves. Maybe add a zero? 30,0 would be more impressive and accurate.
Hallowheart chapter 31 . 1/15/2010
You must have the most interesting mind i've ever seen to write this. It's so weird... not in a bad way or a good way...

The one thing is that truthfully not everyone is comfortable about gay couples... and gay threesomes... thats just woah... yet somehow in this story, no one at the moment was freaked out... no beause they are gay but because there is 3 of them. Even Eric didn't pause at the threesome part/

but in the end it kept me hooked till the 31 chapter. which is quite good as i hate reading long stories midnight... kudo to you and your interesting mind
Turquoise Mage chapter 43 . 7/21/2009
I thank you for a truly fantastic story to read.
AlwaysTheNegativeOptimist chapter 43 . 6/5/2009
Oh my gosh I found it! Yay!

I read this story a while ago and have been looking for it. Your story gave me inspiration for one of mine. I haven't really gotten far in it, but I just really want to thank you for opening my eyes to this kind of pairing. I would have never looked at (m/m/m) before. ] You rock! Total props!
Keela1221 chapter 43 . 2/14/2009
Aww man that's it? Seriously? Bummer. Anyway, I sincerly loved this story, I'm sure you probably might not update it again since it's been two years, but I really really hope you do! Either way I'm still really glad you posted this, because given the lenghth it must have taken a lot of time and energy to write. So thanks. And again wonderful story.
AlastrinaMeadow chapter 43 . 6/9/2008
How do you leave such a huge cliffhanger for a year? Update soon!
Back of Beyond chapter 43 . 8/15/2007
Great story, hope you get around to posting the next chapter soon! :D
leemya chapter 43 . 7/24/2007
are you still going to finish it?
Chael-Kieran chapter 12 . 6/19/2007
I really like this story... and although I have to stop reading it to get my lunch, I'll be back! *laughs evilly..and chokes on gummy bear*
Midnights Scream chapter 4 . 4/22/2007
that's interesting, they all seem different and they .
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