Reviews for Seraphic Snow, Thunder Child
silverdream139 chapter 1 . 3/20/2004
Oh, so beautiful. Images and words meld, mix, and fall in love. Wonder:
"Owe my first allegiance to the sun..."
"Psychotically pure..."
"Why thunder and snow do not embrace
anywhere but in my heart;
And I, still laced with August's dawns,
fall in love with a Feruariane night"
-Arii ._o
CoolBeans18s chapter 1 . 3/1/2004
Wow - this is just amazing! So deep and powerful, with such wonderful imagery... Brilliant work, absolutly brillaint.
~ CoolBeans18s
Misanthropic Sylph chapter 1 . 2/26/2004
Why haven't more people reviewed this? It's wonderful! The imagery is wonderful; though snow has been described as pure countless times I just loved the stanza talking ( to my knowledge) about contradictory feelings while still having a root in nature and weather. The part about the harsh tongue bearing softness is lacking a little but it's alright because of the previous line. I suppose that describing the snow as soft seems so...boring and obvious compared to previous descriptions.
Speaking of describing the snow the other thing that struck me strange was the line 'psychotically pure'. I associate the word 'psychotic' with insanity and while if you were trying to say that the snow too pure for sanity, giving the image of something too pure for reality and can only belong in the ethereal etc etc 'psychotically' might not be the right word. While on face-value it might make sense when reading the poem the images it incites in my mind at any rate are quite violent and clash with the following lines. Then the image or a 'pure' snow clashes again with 'timid violence'. I could see if I tried the connection, fire-purifies-all-etc-etc (fire is violent for me) but it doesn't fit in with the idea of 'baptismal white', angel down and a sanctifying heaven. If you could somehow portray heaven as almosst aggressive in its purity (think the end of Fever 103 if you've read it) and purity via violence via the killing of impurity or somesuch it would tie in with a violent snow, but not the psychosis. 'Wild perfection' does fit in with the crazy ideas I have, though the Pagan reference seems unnecessary. 'Cabbage moths in spearmint' just throws everything off balance. So far the images you have painted are fantastical, almost over the top, and this seems out of place.
Anyway, congratulations on inspiring me enough with this poem to actually write a review for once in a while, because I make a point of only reviewing stuff I really like!
" And I still laced with August's dawns,
fall in love with a Februarine night"
crazygirls666 chapter 1 . 2/25/2004
I love those kind of nights . . .I could watch it snow for ever...
wind up car in motion chapter 1 . 2/24/2004
Very pretty! I is loving! _
~La Voix