Reviews for Made To Dance Together |
![]() ![]() ![]() hey, This chapter wasn't too sappy! It had the right amount of bittersweetness and anger and sappiness to make it all work out. Um, let's just say that my computer is really messed up right now and it didn't send me the fact that you updated earlier. *bashes computer screen* Yea, so sorry bout that. Anyhows, another chapter with an intriguing twist. Instead of going clubbing, Jessica went to MICHAEL! And now she's going to spend the night at his house? *taps finger thoughtfully* I wonder if sparks are gonna fly in the next chapter. Although, for good or for evil, I don't know. lol! And as for the whole thing where she made the clothes that Michael gave her look good, well, I'm pretty impressed there. _ I definitely am not a person to go and make something fit me better. If it's too big, and there's nothing else, well, I stick with it and don't bother making alterations...although that mainly may be because I'm a bit lazy... LOL! Good point...but I think that Miranda was working hard to resist the urge to grab a shotgun and go after Jessica. (I wonder what'd she do if she knew about Jessica being at Michael's house all alone with him...I think that she definitely wouldn't be resisting her urges to strangle Jessica) You're seriously the youngest out of your brothers and sisters? Lucky! You must be the baby of the family then! Wow, wish I was the youngest. Instead, I'm the oldest, and well, the oldest are usually blamed for things the most, and they are the most likely to get yelled at. (It depends if you have enough things pointing you in a direction away from the crime scene. lol!) _ Yea, you probably should start your own line of clubs! You have great descriptions already, and all you need is the money to make one, and then, BAM! You'll be rich in no time. lol! And from writing stories on the side of course. *Taps finger against chin thoughtfully again* Well, you could take would actually be quite good, because I heard that if you were to work for a year after getting your MBA and engineering degree that you would probably be able to buy a Bonneville by the end of the year. Which is quite a good thing... ...oh, and if you don't know how much a Bonneville costs, no worries! My friends all stare at me weirdly, excepting the ones who's dads are also in the gm car business, when I go, "OMG! It's a corvette! AND LOOK! It's a Bonneville!" Yup, I'm one strange little chitlun. Anyhows, a Bonneville is a gm car that costs quite a lot...not sure how much but that's alright cuz there's always the internet to check up on the prices! Ahem, back to the rest of my inane chatterings. You were in a Johnny Rocket uniform? ACK! Wow, that must have been really embarassing...I can see why you still curse Johnny Rocket to this day. Wow, glad that Scott broke up with Maria...if she was that easy to get a kid...thank goodness it wasn't him. It could have been but it wasn't. Thanfully enough. LOL! Ah, but I figured something out that would keep Ronnie from finding out about us torturing Miranda...what if we were to corner him when he was walking home one day and knock him out FIRST with chloroform and then going to Miranda...*MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA echoes off into the distance* Ah yes, but it's always so fun to come up with devious schemes...even if they don't work. Hm, I like that idea about tying Ronnie up to a tree though...that could work. lol! Then again...what if he all of a sudden got superhuman strength and decided that he wanted to save Miranda? (RUN!) YAY! *jumps around and cheers* Jessica's parents have forgiven her for her indiscretions...or at least have tried to. (COUGH DAVID COUGH) GAH! *stomps arount and pouts like a child* I wanna know the specific reason why we don't know how Donna looks like! Hm, could it possibly be that she looks almost exactly like Jessica? I wonder... ...anyhows, enough of my musings about your story. It's probably gotten you bored to tears, but I just had to bet that out of my system. I don't believe that I told you that I'm currently marching around, sweating to death, and spending hours reading sheet music at band camp? Band Camp: Place where students get the opportunity to learn the proper way to march and read music. My definition of Band Camp:Hell on earth, where poor victims sign up unknowingly for 9 hour sessions for a two weeks, wheareupon, they are forced to march outside for five hours under the hot noonday sun. After getting mercilessly sunburned and sweat-coated, they are herded inside at 1:00 to break for lunch for a half hour. After doing that, they are forced to sit through the most boring thing on earth; listening to the band conductor go on and on about how to read music. Trust me, it is not fun. At all. *Throws hands up at the sky shouting, "WHY ME? WHY ME? WHY! WHY! WHY!" Anyhows, lol, I'm going to be at band camp for most of next week. (Much to my great dismay) So, don't be upset if I don't review immediately. Great chapter, with great twists in it, and I'm hoping that the next chapter comes soon! *Orient Fox* |
![]() ![]() ![]() this chapter was grea t but I"m sure u still have more planed for them. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I loved the chapter. I love when chapters are all sappy. I can't wait for more to come. |
![]() ![]() ![]() aw... so cute... im glad things are finally beginning to work out for Jessica and Michael... when i said the last chappie was long i didnt mean it as a bad thing- i love long chappies... anyway love the story- still! :p |
![]() ![]() ![]() You definately shouldn't be critical of your work cause it's all perfectly written. Seriously, and anyways the more carefree you are the better you're stuff comes out. Cause if you're all critical and stuff then the words might not flow out easily, but your stuff is still great. I'm a huge fan of this story, and i love it! If i haven't already said that, lol. BTW i'm so glad that Michael's back !yay! and i'm even happier that he seems to have made up his mind about him and Jessica, they make an awesome couple. And the end of this chapter was NOT sappy, lol, i loved it! Well great job, you've written another great chapter! Can't wait for the next one, and can't wait to find out what Donna looks like, update soon! |
![]() ![]() aw so sweet. ::tear:: great chapter and update soon. |
![]() ![]() Woo! *claps until hands fall off* That was great! OK. I am going crazy. I just know it. Woo! You updated! I'm so excited! And everything's finally changing for the better between Jessica and her parents and Michael. Woo! You rock! And yes, evil parent stories do make people think about moving out. I'm going crazy here. Ah! I need to leave! I want to go to Chicago sometime. I've never traveled anywhere(well maybe to Vegas and mexico but that's it!) and I've never flown in an airplane. Well, maybe when I was a like 2 months old! And I flew in one of those small personal planes one time, when I was taking this stupid flight lesson thing. It was a waste of money cuz I didn't learn anything. But anyways! I'm going to chicago! And then New york! Woo! And y'know what? I didn't even check my email for this chapter either! I was just on fictionpress and figured I'd go and check to see if you had updated and well, you did! So great job! I love the story! And I can't wait for the next chapter! And, oh yeah. There's not as much dancing as there was before so... please add some MORE DANCING! He he. Well, I'm going to go and...uh...I don't know. Do something. Maybe take a shower. He he. I'll stop talking now...or typing...whatever. PEACE OUT! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Does Donna look like April, so when April shows up later, Jessica will be able to tell it's her? You don't like summer? Yeah I sort of understand... I don't like it all that much either. But I don't really like winter either. I like autumn. That's my thing. With wind. Windy autumns. I love those. Plus the word autumn is cool. I like that word. It sounds pretty. And it IS pretty. With all the leaves... (I'm hyped up on sugar right now so please excuse the pointless ramblings) Anyway... Yay! Jessica made up with her family! or started to at least... And she's starting to get into Michael's head... That's a good thing. I love this story. It's been a favorite of mine for a while now. Every time you update, I get very happy... _ BIG smile! (ignore me... I'm still hyper.) Update soon! |
![]() ![]() i am running out of things to say. this was a special chapter, thats good cuz they are taking tiny steps further into there relationship :D update soonm |
![]() ![]() ![]() Kudos muchos chica! I love sappy-ness! Jess and Michael are so cute. Keep up the fab-ness! Later ~FrEaK~ |
![]() ![]() ![]() Sorry it took me a while to review this. Yay, Kyle's back. I was starting to miss him a bit. Lol...I like Kyle's dad. Now I know where Kyle gets it from. Kyle's mom is funny too. Jess & Kyle are hilarious together! lol, he had to bring up Michael. "Feminine wiles"...ha never heard that one before. Aren't friends the greatest...always teasing you and stuff like that. I like Leah. She seems cool, just like a normal 12-almost-13 year old. Aw, and Davey is great. brother just turned 10 and he's like that "but I'm not a child anymore! I'm 10!" i loved the part at the end when she confronted her parents. That took a lot of guts. Lol, no I've never heard of the government name thing. lol...I watch cartoon spy shows that might be why & James Bond movies, well the newer ones anyway. Me and my brother do that too...where we say we don't like each other. lol. loved it! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Okay, finally done! ~.* It took me hours (your chapters are so long!) but I finally finished reading what you have up. I think you have a great plotline going here, and the story is very good. Excellent job; keep up the good work! And update soon! ~ Aria |
![]() ![]() ![]() Ooh, I love this chapter. Their prank is hilarious. Great job here. Meanwhile, I’ll be reading on. ~ Aria |
![]() ![]() WOW! This is such a god story...its amazing! I love it ...yea you get the point. Either way you need to update! I havent read your story in a while but im still a huge fan! |
![]() ![]() ![]() well I can't wait for the nexts chap this oen was sad but good all the same I hope theres more action in the nexts one mb her parents coudl go see the show that all her friends are see and they coudl see her perform and she all the friends that love her so much well its just an idea |