Reviews for Made To Dance Together
anatidaephobiac chapter 20 . 8/1/2004
Yay 200!
I'm not going to leave a long review, I have 145 emails to work through... I was on vacation for... 5 days I think... and then went to a softball tournament (while my family was still on vacation)... so I haven't seen a computer in a while.
Anyway... I don't trust public pools... including the YMCA... heard too many bad stories (yours just added to my distrust). But a few of my friends have pools, so I'll be like "Oh hey! Guess what! I'm inviting myself over to go swimming!" They don't care... hehe.
I love pools... I stayed with a girl on my softball team (since my parents were still away, and the tournament was for 3 days) and she had a pool. and it was really hot, so after softball we went for a nice, refreshing swim... and it was funny because all these other people kept coming over to go swimming too. (random thought) I guess they had the only pool in the neighborhood.
Oh yeah and I just completely forgot this before, but we belong to a country club (so my dad can golf whenever he wants) that has a really nice pool. so that's cool... but its kind of far from my house. across town. i'd rather the pool was in my backyard ;) But I've been trying to convince my parents for a pool for years... hasn't worked yet.
Um yeah... so I said this would be short. Yet somehow... it's not. So I'll stop here...
But great chapter... I was happy to come home and see that you'd updated. It was very cool. Even if there was a lack of Michael... you're right though. There was no way he could fit in that chapter...
Update soon!
Zeina chapter 20 . 7/30/2004
Way to go! Sock it to him!
sapofbks2008 chapter 20 . 7/29/2004
I loved the chapter. I can't wait for more to come. I like that you make you chapters long. There's more to read that way until the next time you update.
joanna m. w chapter 20 . 7/28/2004
Another wonderful chappie! I hope Jessica's relationship with her parents isn't destroyed, and that her parents understand her true passion for dance cause it's what she loves to do and they should accept that. Like i said it was a wonderful chapter, but i must say that i missed Michael! I'm afraid i'm addicted to your story... Your story is all i can think about at times with Micheal and Jessica's "relationship", but i LOVE it! And it must suck that you can write such an amazing story and you haven't really had anyone you know read it, you should let them, but then again i would NEVER let anyone i know read my stuff cause i'm afraid they'd just laugh or something and i guess it's lyk writing is my thing and i'm just not ready to let others that are close, or that i know read my stuff, call me selfish or stupid, but hey i'm not ready, but i thank god for this site because without it i would seriously die, lol, it's nice to get reviews and know what other people think about your story because it's MOST of the time (i hope) that they give you their honest opinion, just the way i am wen i'm telling you that ure storing is BRILLIANT! lol, i lyk that word and so yea please update as soon as you get the chance (i hate saying "you have to update" cause i personally don't lyk wen ppl tell me that because after a while it tends to get on my nerves, but that's me, lol) well yea i'll be waiting for that next chapter with Michael in it, i hope!
bLaCk RoSe -,-
I Dance In The Rain chapter 20 . 7/27/2004
Wo! That was such a good chapter! Poor Jessica. Her dad is such a jerk. Gosh, I can't WAIT to move out of my house. Two more years! Then I'm gone! Woo! Ha. But hey, dance team. I can't wait until I start practice. I'm so excited. Ha. I bet you could learn the choreography. Besides, after they teach it to you, they make you do it over and over and over and over and over again until you get it perfectly. So no worries. :) And I didn't even check my email for this one! I was just thinking forget it. I'll just go to the story itself and see whether or not there's a new chapter. And there was! It was good too! I can't wait for the next one!
pinewarrior chapter 20 . 7/27/2004
loving it! i'm so glad that jess told them how she felt, can't wait til michael comes in! ta-ta! lmao, keep writing
cahkoh chapter 20 . 7/27/2004
aww thats so sad. tear. great chapter and update soon!
icthus chapter 20 . 7/27/2004
Yah, well, I don't have any life, and what else have I to do than stay up all night reading? *lopsided grin*
I must admit that I was disappointed that Michael wasn't in this chapter, but I understand how that goes. After all, there are subplots that need tending to, and that whole thing with Jessica's family is an important subplot.
Other than that, I had no problems with this chapter. There were a few grammatical errors (which I only noticed out of being the annoying perfectionist that I am, lol) but, yah, other than that, I think it was okay.
Update soon, please! I want to read more about Jessica and Michael...
hesfb chapter 20 . 7/27/2004
yeah another long chapter! *dances around grinning wildly* pity bout the misunderstanding w. her parents... *shakes head* stupid stick in the muds :) looking forward to the rest- w. baited breathe ..i think thats the funniest expression, waiting with baited breath.. anyway good job :)
lavender chapter 19 . 7/26/2004
Wow, this was a really long chapter...not that I'm complaining, of course! I especially liked the card game and how you changed your regular prose format to something like a play script to show each person's thoughts about their cards. I think you did a nice job of using that scene to accomplish a lot of things, like answering questions about characters (I always wondered what D stood for too!). It also made me like Jessica's character even more; I'm glad she was mature enough not to stoop to Miranda's level when she told her the dare.
It's also nice to see Michael is willing to try with Jessica because it looks like he has been miserable for a very long time. I'm looking forward to seeing how Jessica's Thanksgiving goes...update soon, please!
joanna m. w chapter 19 . 7/25/2004
WOW... i'm truly speechless it's taken me a WHOLE day to read all of this, but it was definately worth it because your story is brilliant! You've got me feeling what your characters feel, and i can't help the stupid smile that always forms on my face whenever i read a dancing scene between micheal and jessica, they truly were meant to dance together and to simply be together. And of course i LOVE your story and i can't wait for you to update, i'm hook'd to it so please update it because it's seriously killing me!lol. You're a great writer so put that talent to use and update!
bLaCkRoSe -,-'-
AngryGumballxXx chapter 19 . 7/22/2004
omgoodness. i love this story. even tho it took me FOREVER to read it, i still love it. all the way, woo hoo! i loved it when jessica and michael were in the room with all the mirrors dancing together. by far the BEST scene. lol she sounded really...seductive? i guess thats the word. oh well, update soon!
I Dance In The Rain chapter 19 . 7/19/2004
Ah! You're such an awesome writer! I'm obsessed with your story. I'm a music junkie and I love to dance. I used to dance when I was in 8th grade. But then I moved and had to go to a new school for high school where they didn't have dance. So now I'm going to go to a new school starting my junior year because they have a dance team and they're REALLY good. I'm so excited! So keep writing! I need advice for dance next year! Lol. But I absolutely LOVE this story and I can't wait for the next chapter. Peace!
I Dance In The Rain chapter 18 . 7/19/2004
Oh my gosh. I don't know what's goin' on but I didn't get the alert for your story! I'm so angry! Damnett! Pardon my french. :) But you updated two chapters and the stupid thing didn't tell me. Gr. *beats the crap out of computer* I'm so angry. But it was so good! I'm gonna read the next chapter now. I can't wait for the water fight! you're an excellent writer and I cant wait for chapter 20! Or 21. Whichever...*beats computer again*
hesfb chapter 19 . 7/18/2004
i love your story- and even more than that i absolutely love the fact that you write long chapters! yay! *smiles*
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