Reviews for Take Me From This Pain, Kevin's story
Ladako chapter 40 . 5/4/2006
Oh I loved this one just as much as Brian's! Kevin is adorable, but instead of becoming more outgoing it seem he became timid and freaked out more. Just something I thought to point out. It was still awesome to see what was going on with Kevin while all that stuff was happening with Brian and I saw how bad of a bitch Tanya really was. She made me laugh though, what a whore. She yelled out it should be illegal for gays to kiss in school when she's always smooching different guys, Ha! Well, very well written story, funny and sweet, I loved it all. Now I'm going to read the next one. Bye-Bye!
Storm December chapter 40 . 4/19/2006
Adding you! TTFN! ;)
Benji's VIP chapter 40 . 4/16/2006
Wow. I've just finally finished this story and I have to say that it's been such a roller coaster ride.I want to know how Trent is though.I have this feeling that Joey may like Trent a little more that he thought he did. So hopefully that gets expanded on at some point. Anyway off to read Brian's story. ]

Benji's VIP chapter 12 . 4/16/2006
Sad, yet sweet story so far. I'm looking forward to reading the rest as well as Brian's story.

Wolfie Star26 chapter 40 . 4/14/2006
should have read this a long time ago. It was wonderful and some of the parts almost made me cry. I loved it.
Xxnever-knewxX chapter 40 . 4/11/2006
Aw that was hekka adorable _ loved it.
Ashley chapter 40 . 1/18/2006
very very cute story just like Brians story
eldrin chapter 40 . 11/25/2005
Aww. Lovely, LOVELY story.
eldrin chapter 20 . 11/24/2005
I finally got around to start reading this one. Oh, if I only had the time to sit and read and read and read. I'll never get around to all of your stories. :(

This is pretty awesome, I am very much enjoying Kevin's part of the story (especially seeing a more prominent Trent!).
Silver Daratraz chapter 40 . 11/15/2005
i finally go around to finish reading your story..wo ho.
Zoshia chapter 40 . 10/23/2005
What a GREAT way to end that story! I am so excited to read all the others! hahahaThis story was great, not that I expected any less : D bravo!
Rinna chapter 40 . 10/23/2005
Right, as I said, I love this story.

I love how Jason and Kevin are such a parallel to Matt and Brian, yet different in their own ways. I also liked how Trent and Ryan switched stories, that was a very interesting twist to add. Somehow along the way, before he even switched to this story, Ryan became my favorite character. I'm quite glad that you decided to write more about him and Lee, I like their relationship.

So yes. Fantastic story. Must go read more.
Lost In Thought 769 chapter 40 . 9/19/2005
oo i love your stories soo much! I love Jason and Kevin too, but i think Matt and Brain are still my favorites.. well now i have two sequels to go read. yay!
ShadesWithLove chapter 40 . 9/4/2005
hey... cant believe that kevin's story only had bout 300 over reviews! i mean it deserves as much attention as brian's one right? kevin's story is nice you know... especially... *blushes* the lemons... anyway i just wanna say i love the take me from this pain series. seriously love it! oh yah... people who read moving on MUST, i repeat, MUST read kevin's story. its sorta like the history of trent but dont miss ryan's story... he and lee are too bloody cute to be missed out!
afk chapter 40 . 9/1/2005
AW so cute"! now i'm going to read rayns or trents! 1*_* i don't know! XD
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