Reviews for I wish I was
Zwidon chapter 1 . 2/7/2009
thats really sad, I know what it sort of is like though, feeling so igsignificant... i probably speeled that wrong... i suck at spelling,... so yeah... it was good...
Maggy Aethelwynsdottir chapter 1 . 3/15/2004
Thi si sreally good, it makes you think. I feel the same way sometimes.
Gypsy Pen chapter 1 . 3/15/2004
bad day? lol. This one really makes you think about the writer, why do they wish these things and such, i liked it.
Anaiya Illyria chapter 1 . 3/14/2004
You matter. To somebody. Everybody matters, in one way or another. But this is good. I liked it despite it's that even a word? anyway. it's good.