Reviews for Just For Now
Aden chapter 1 . 4/4/2004
well, bc you won't let me rate 1-10 xp, i'd have to say that this is a good poem. it's just kind of tiring to read the words "Later on", "For now", and "Just for now" over and over again. remember you wanT me to play a critic ]
fayreweill chapter 1 . 3/22/2004
i liked the repitition. nice one!
K. Coulson chapter 1 . 3/20/2004
Always Writing chapter 1 . 3/20/2004
Aw, it's good. Very emotional, nice repition there, and a nice ending.
Sad though.
imxnotxyourxstar chapter 1 . 3/20/2004
Great poem. I loved the repetition, it worked well in this case. I espeically liked where it went:
"Just for now, pretend you don't love me
Just for now, pretend you cannot see
Just for now, I will take one last look in your eyes
Just for now, I'll wear a disguise" Beautifully written. Keep it up!
Sarah Parker chapter 1 . 3/20/2004
Aw... *sniff!* I like to pretend that... even if I know it's definitely on true.. but I definitely love to pretend that it's just for now. *makes a face* Oh well. I'm pathetic... as we all know. But that's okay, because this poem is anything BUT pathetic...! It's wonderful! I love it.. Makes me all.. sad.. yet mushy at the same time, cause it's definitely very bittersweet. *grin* If FP will let me - it's going on my favorites!