Reviews for iM jUz sO 133t 11111
Lost Inside chapter 1 . 11/30/2004
People who do that are so annoying. I mean I'm ok with what r u doin 2day or how r u and that kinda stuff but stuff that is so hard to read even the person who wrote it couldn't even understand just frustrates me! Evil people.

Lost Inside
torn-and-frayed chapter 1 . 9/4/2004
LIEK, OmGZORZ!1oneoneoneoneoneoneone!
Judge Jury Executioner chapter 1 . 9/4/2004
j00 4r3 5_c- 4 \003. j_5- c_z j00 4 \003 0\- -4-3 -5 l33- -4-/-0rz!
Innocence In Deep Water chapter 1 . 7/2/2004
Dude! That was awesome! I Completely understand you. I hate all that bull that people put on there websites, I don't understand half the stuff they put up. I had a hard time trying to figure out what your title said. I like opinion a lot.
Moonlight Silver Wolf chapter 1 . 6/25/2004
I have to agree with the whole putting caps where they don't belong. The most annoying thing that I have found though is when a story looks like the writer didn't even look twice at it. All of those spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, yuck. Not like I have a lot of room to talk my grammer and spelling is pretty bad, but at least I proof read and try to fix any sort of problems there may be. Good rant. Everyone is entitled to them every once and a while. Other wise we would all explode from holding everything in. :)
Fabian Beswick chapter 1 . 6/17/2004
Bravo! *applauds*
My beef is why nobody can spell correctly... But not everybody can win a spelling bee... _
Anarchy-in-america chapter 1 . 4/18/2004
God damn, THANKYOU. I personally belive that when you're writing an e-mail or instant message it's alright to save time with acronyms or abbreviations. However, lol no longer saves time when you write lolz! Lol would have been enough and I think everyone would've gotten the point. LMAO will work fine if lol doesn't. And ONE exclaimation point will work. If that won't get the point across, then 3 should be used. !reading that is not worth anyone's time. 1-3 are enough.
Anon E. Muss chapter 1 . 4/9/2004
Um...what's 133t or 1331 mean?
I'm really not in on the lingo or whatever I don't go into chatrooms so I rarely see it.
I do go to forums though and people will write similar to that which I really don't get because you have forever to write that post.
Half the time people don't even use it to save time! They do it just becuase.
I hate it when people use z instead of s in their words.
I disagree on the the 7 spelling mistakes you pointed out.
I do that a lot. I never notice and neither do most other people.
Now when someone completely mutalates a word. That's different.
I'm surprised how you didn't go off about how people also TALK like that now. I mean people literally SAY "jk!"
after making a joke.
And then they go on to say "haha lol!"
On the computer...understandable cause I can't hear you laughing but if you are standing right next to me I don't need to be told you're "Laughing out Loud" That's what bugs me the most.
Sober-and-Humorless chapter 1 . 3/30/2004
Exactly. Thank you. I have cousins who chat speak constantly and it drives me absolutely crazy. It makes me wonder if they paid attention at all while we were learning spelling in elementary school. I had a friend who started to type u instead you in his essays for English. Needless to say, his teacher was not too pleased. Anyway, well done.
Nerd Slut chapter 1 . 3/30/2004
*laughs* Wow I was never one to like chat speech or anything like that. I hate speeling errors they send me up the wall. I always check my spelling before putting up one of my stories. You have captured my feelings into this short little tidbit! I thank you for taking the emotions of all frustrated writers and showing all the people who are... dare I say it?... I dare... Ignorant. Maybe not ignorant but just don't understand the extent of their annoying errors, that they need to check their stuff before posting. I thank you once again!
Agathy chapter 1 . 3/26/2004
My God, as rude as this essay is, I love it! Thank you...for pointing out those horrible spelling mishaps that so many people tend to make..."definatley" or whatever annoys the living hell out of me! So does "seperate"...goodness, my favorite book of all time is A Separate Peace, so people understand why I get so annoyed when they mispell it. This is so true...I used to use a lot of Chat Speak, but not to the point where it was atrocious. Have a nice day!
WhiteLightning625 chapter 1 . 3/26/2004
I really have to agree with you on the bad grammar. I don't understand why the writer has to take such effort to write like a moron.
Although, I have to disagree about the spelling mistakes. Sometimes they're not that obvious, and they are very easy to misspell. As long as it's an effort to sound coherent. I think you know what I mean. But good essay-well put!
persephonevii chapter 1 . 3/26/2004
AH...I know exactly what you mean!
Damn l33t speak...
I really dislike how people do that sTiCk CaPs thing...that really gets mah goat! There are 22 year olds doing it and it makes them sound like pre-teen girls trying to be chic and no!
Excellent rant...I utterly agree with you sentiment!
Le Creature chapter 1 . 3/26/2004
Believe it or not, but I completely disagree with you. Rather, what irritates me to no end is other people trying to tell others how to write. A hundred years ago, it was an art form where people tried to spell as many words as possible and still keep things readable. Not only is it distracting if you're trying to correct relatively erroneus spelling errors, but it's also pointless-they still get their message across. And, what, you want people to spend time writing out complete sentences when supposedly chatting with their friends? Most people don't have the time or will-power to write that quickly. Just because some people have the capacity to write articulately and quickly does not mean you should assume others have the same capacity.
Anyway, I doubt that will change your mind, but at least I hope it gives you something to think about.
Formerly chapter 1 . 3/26/2004
lIke WOWZ! LoLiiEEZ! D15 I5 S0 K3W1! ROFL! LMAO! LOLZ!
No, seriously, this is very good.
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